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What does working in internet marketing look like?

Want to shine in the digital marketing industry, but don’t know how to do it? We come to the rescue! Thanks to this publication, you will learn what working in internet marketing looks like and what competences you need to be in it. In addition, you will learn the opinions of specialists and find out whether it is worth keeping a place in this industry for longer!

The times when we waited for a colorful advertisement on TV with flushed face are gone. It is true that there are still outfits that effectively attract our attention and are remembered, but when everything has already happened, it becomes increasingly difficult to find an original and thrilling spot. Currently, there are so many messages, including advertising ones, that we are happy to be silent. How can entrepreneurs present their products well in this difficult world?

The answer is obvious and absolutely natural. The place to present the offer is on the vast internet. It is an (un) tame space that gives a lot of opportunities to promote material goods, services and brands. Top companies and conscious entrepreneurs settled here some time ago. As a result of the pandemic, it was necessary to make room for other strategists who saw the possibility of developing their sales in digital marketing. This raises a lot of questions, including one quite obvious: how to stay ahead of the competition and stay at the top of the list in all of this? Support from proven players will come in handy. And here we come to the point …

Before we get down to business and find out who the real internet marketing ninja is, let’s first explain what digital marketing is all about.

Internet Marketing – What Is It?

To paraphrase the words of Benedict – what marketing is like everyone can see. And the internet one?

This is its most dynamically developing branch. So what is internet marketing all about? It focuses mainly on websites and social media channels. Its main assumptions and goals are unlikely to surprise you – they are attracting and retaining customers and building a good brand image.

What is working in internet marketing? First of all, increasing the company’s visibility on the web, which translates into sales results and increased consumer awareness. The biggest difference between traditional marketing and digital marketing is the role of the recipient. In the virtual world, “Your opinion is important to us”! Forget about passively receiving a message. Of course, this has its advantages and disadvantages.

When offering a product or service, you can count on a wealth of forms of expression in communication with recipients, the lack of a one-sided dimension and on customer reviews practically in live mode. The comments will not always be positive, but that is a topic for another article.

Working in internet marketing – what is it?

Internet marketing and the work of people who deal with this issue on a daily basis are a river topic! Therefore, work in network marketing has many faces. It is an action not only with the broadly understood word, but also with sound, image and data. After all, it is also about optimizing the materials created and making them more accessible – also for Google robots. So what is internet marketing and what does a marketer’s job look like? Below are some of the activities undertaken as part of its implementation:

conducting Google campaigns and their optimization – creating an advertising creation in the search engine, partner websites and on Youtube, monitoring the campaign results and its modifications in order to obtain the best results while using the optimal budget,

– marketing activities in social media – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and TikTok are used to the limit! It is not only running a company account on the aforementioned social networks, but also using their platforms for advertising campaigns.

– SEO – the fight for the highest positions in search engines. It is worth mentioning here that the goal of an SEO specialist is to obtain valuable and measurable traffic that brings tangible benefits to the brand. For example, increasing the number of visits to the website, increasing conversions from the organic channel, reducing the bounce rate, increasing the time the user spends on the website, increasing the value of the shopping cart and, consequently, also the profit. In addition to website optimization, content created in compliance with SEO principles is also important.

– content marketing – a specialist in this matter is a master of delivering engaging materials that tie the recipient to the brand, create dedicated communities around it, build awareness or strengthen the position of an expert in a given field. It’s not only fun with words (which seasoned copywriters specialize in), but also creating compelling videos, eye-catching photos, listening podcasts, thought-provoking infographics or life-enriching webinars.

– UX – the user experience. This concept is based on the concept of website usability and the impressions accompanying the user visiting the website. In short – it should quickly find the necessary information and proceed to conversion (e.g. purchase) without unnecessary perturbations. Intuitiveness is the key! Is your website based on it? You may be wondering about it or simply commission a professional UX audit. Yes, this is also what internet marketing is about.

We have already explained what internet marketing is. What job would be the most interesting for you? We hope you can answer this question now. Then we can go on …

How to start working in internet marketing?

You already know what and where you would like to do … So you definitely want to know the answer to the question of whether it is difficult to start working in internet marketing and what conditions must be met to be the perfect candidate …

In the home office era, an important piece of information is that internet marketing and working from home go hand in hand. Monitoring campaign results, creating inspirational blog posts or video creations is possible virtually anywhere! As a result, internet marketing is very flexible – and so is the job in this industry. Would you like to travel or work in the comfort of your home in your beloved tracksuit? You will have a field to show off!

If you already have a few years of experience and internet marketing is as close to you as a wetsuit surfer, your chances increase significantly. There will be a job for you – for good money. The amount of remuneration will depend on your competences, previous projects, negotiation skills and the possibilities of the agency in which you will apply for the engagement. It is also important to ask what position you will apply for. You already know that there are many possibilities! You can find out about the people we are looking for to work in internet marketing at Paraphrase Online and what we offer them in our other blog posts.

If, on the other hand, you are “freshman”, you will have to “feather” a little. Students of digital marketing faculties receive a solid base for later conquering the world. Especially the virtual one!

However, if you have long passed and written your master’s thesis and you are not in a hurry to get to pass tests and exercises, you can invest in specialization courses or participate in free webinars. In addition, a few obligatory readings, watching valuable industry blogs and watching video materials, as well as constantly keeping your finger on the pulse of online marketing – and we have it!

Remember that this industry is constantly evolving, so you always need to be up to date. There is no way to stop expanding knowledge!

Martin Grossberg, Head of Content Marketing at Paraphrase-Online.com, also reveals how to get started in internet marketing. So the guy knows what he’s saying!

– With today’s baggage of experience, I can clearly state that the key to success in the internet marketing industry is specialization in a specific field. The times when a marketing specialist could do everything with the thought “somehow it will be” have left us forever, just like the people of the Renaissance.

There are too many pieces of the puzzle for this puzzle to be completed alone. The multitude of advertising channels (Google, Facebook, SEO, Allegro, Content, Influencer, Pinterest, TikTok, Youtube and a lot of other options), the progressive degree of their complexity, the ability to aggregate data and draw correct conclusions from them in order to optimize activities – all this makes that currently it is not possible to dedicate each of these areas enough time to use them fully – Grossberg explains.

Does the size of the company matter when determining the scope of digital marketing activities?

– Regardless of whether we are talking about a small company or an entity from the SME sector, it is rational to hire people with specific competences to be a pillar in one of the basic advertising environments. It is important for you, the prospective employee, to realize which of these environments is the most used. If you start to develop in them, your competences will count on the market and it will be easier to find a well-paid job. But remember not to close yourself in one area – he continues.

– After reaching an advanced level in a given field, I would also recommend diversifying and deepening your knowledge in a related field. The thing is, marketing channels are increasingly reliant on specific vendors, who may sometimes, for unknown reasons, change their “policies” or limit their ability to display ads. Ultimately, ad accounts are also the target of hacking attacks, and it’s not worth becoming addicted to just one channel. Therefore, I suggest creating competence mixes (of course, a lot also depends on your interests):

– Google Ads + Facebook Ads,
– SEO + Content marketing,
– Content marketing + Facebook Ads,
– Marketplaces + Google Analytics,
– Google Analytics + Google Ads,
– SEO + Google Analytics,
– Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok + Influencer Marketing.

– It is also worth mentioning that competences in a given field are built differently and they are not correlated only with the time spent on a given channel. If, for example, there are 2 people, the first of whom worked in the agency with Google Ads accounts for 2 years, and the second worked in one company with Ads for 5 years, the first one should statistically be better prepared to work in this environment, because she observed more non-standard situations and based on a greater number of different accounts and data, she made different decisions. The agency environment also forces the optimization of activities and constant training in the subject, which is extremely important in the case of paid channels. Therefore, remember that training is training, but every area of internet marketing is based on experience and observation of smarter than us – ends Martin Grossberg.

Internet Marketing – A Job For Everyone?

Apart from competences and experience, there are also natural predispositions. Which of them should a person for whom internet marketing is attractive should have? The work will be easier if he has a lot of divisibility of attention and the ability to work on several projects at the same time. In this world, there is no such thing as “stimulation” and no time to “step out.” Oh no!

There’s a rodeo all the time here, show must go on! This is not a joke. If you don’t like adrenaline and work at top speed, it’s probably not your piece of cake. Working in digital marketing is based on a quick mind and constant readiness to act. Does social media ever sleep? Of course not! Can campaigns be neglected and content allowed to be nudged with the mouse? No, no and no more. So you are in for a dynamic action and constant change. As we know – this is the only constant, especially in the virtual world. Boredom won’t touch you!

What other personality traits will be useful to win awards in the Digital Marketer of the Year category every year? A bit threadbare, but very desirable creativity, the ability to speak words, level PRO interpersonal and communication skills, but also analytical thinking, “connecting the dots” and drawing conclusions. You got it? In that case, internet marketing and work in this plot are meant for you! What to do with this…?

For example, you can take a look at Paraphrase-Online.com and send us a message with special care that you want to work with us. Who knows, maybe you will get to know the sweet taste of digital marketing with us? Yummy!

Published inInternet MarketingParaphrasing englishSentence Changer Generator
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