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What should you know about Google Discovery Ads?

Google Discovery Ads is an advertising format that allows you to reach a wide audience in various places on the Internet. We do not use ready-made image ads to run this type of campaign. Instead, we give Google Ads resources that the system mixes, creating various creations from them, tailored to the needs of specific users. Discovery Ads are ads largely based on self-learning algorithms that analyze audience behavior and display creatives to those who are most likely to be interested in a given service or product at a given moment. Where exactly can I see Discovery ads and how do I create them?

Google Discovery Ads – emission places

Discovery Ads has a reach of 3 billion Internet users. At the same time, however, this format allows for a very precise selection of the target group – we can target audiences with specific behaviors and demographic characteristics, interests, but also the lists of recipients we have created. Users can see our ads during their daily activities on the Internet, thanks to which information about the product or service reaches them at every stage of the shopping path. Google Discovery Ads appears in places such as:

– Discover cards – these are cards in the browser in which Google displays personalized news to the user, tailored to his interests, based on previous activity on the Internet,
– in Gmail – Discovery Ads replaced traditional advertising in Gmail. Currently, it is only possible to use them to display the promoted content to the recipients in the “Offers” and “Communities” tabs,
– on YouTube – on the platform’s home page or in the “Worth Watching” section.

In Google Discovery Ads, the system automatically selects the best display places for a specific advertisement. It also adjusts the rates for it and adjusts its size to the place of broadcast and the size of the device on which it appears.

What does Google Discovery Ads include?

Discovery Ads, as we have already mentioned, is a type of creative in which the system itself assembles an advertisement from the available elements. Therefore, before launching this type of campaign, appropriate resources must be provided to the system. These are:
– headings – up to 5 titles, each for no more than 40 characters,
– descriptions – a brief introduction of the product or service and the benefits of its purchase. You can add 5 descriptions, each for a maximum of 90 characters,
– company name,
– company logo,
– images in horizontal rectangle and square format. There can be a maximum of 15 of them,
– final URL – address of the subpage to which the user will be directed after clicking the ad,
CTA – Call to Action. Select them from the list offered by the system.

It is not necessary to use all the available images, headlines or ad text, but it is worth remembering that the more resources you share, the greater the chance that the system will find effective connections for a given audience.

Images in these types of ads can be displayed in different ways, so it’s best not to include logos or subtitles in them. These elements will be borrowed from other resources that we will upload to the campaign builder. It’s also a good idea to make sure that all your headlines, descriptions, and images match each other. We do not know in which configurations they will be displayed, so make sure that they create a coherent message together wherever possible.

Automatic Discovery campaigns – what do they give and what they take away?

Google Discovery Ads, as a campaign type optimized almost exclusively by self-learning algorithms, does not allow the use of some functions known from other Google Ads formats. Such campaigns may not, among other things, target placements or devices, limit the number of impressions for a given audience, or exclude inappropriate contexts. However, do these limitations make us a waste of the budget? On the contrary, the system is already so efficient that it does not display advertisements in inappropriate contexts that threaten the brand or bombard the recipient with the same advertisement dozens of times a day. What’s more, he has so much information about the behavior and preferences of recipients that he can almost always choose display parameters much better than a human.

In addition, Discovery Ads provide the option of automatic ad targeting – after enabling this option, the system itself extends the group of recipients with new ones who will most likely be willing to take advantage of the offer. Enabling this type of targeting isn’t mandatory, but it can often benefit you, especially if your ad has been online long enough to exhaust the potential of remarketing lists.

Discovery Ads – why is it worth it?

– wide range of advertising – Discovery campaigns can potentially reach billions of people around the world, in various places on the web,
– precise targeting – this format offers many options for selecting target groups, including the possibility of targeting non-standard recipient lists and automatic targeting, thanks to which you can reach new, promising recipients,
– modern multimedia format – Discovery Ads are advertisements tailored to the needs of today’s recipient. They do not have strictly defined content, adapt to the size of the device and the place of display, and display a given product or service just when the user is looking for it,
– maximum use of the budget – thanks to intelligent bidding, the system can manage the budget precisely. This, in combination with a well-selected group of recipients, prevents the budget from being burned out,
– saving time – the system automatically optimizes the campaign, so we do not have to waste time manually changing the settings. Of course, this does not exempt us from overseeing the campaign and monitoring its results.

Google Discovery Ads is an ad type that is definitely worth exploring. It is an excellent complement to other formats, such as responsive advertising on the search network, advertising on Google Display Network or YouTube Ads. If you want to use this type of campaign to promote your brand, see our offer subpage.

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