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SEO texts – what is it? How to write them and… what for?

Even the best designed website, with spectacular graphics, will not reach the top of the popularity of the Google search engine (or any other search engine!), If we do not invest in SEO texts. What is it? How should they be structured? How often should you post them on the website? Write them yourself or outsource them to an agency? We answer these and many other questions with the publication below. We invite you to read.

The times when the company’s website was displayed in TOP10 “by itself” are gone forever. Business has moved online, overwhelming virtual corporate sites with the weight of competition. What to do to ensure yourself a good position and overtake other rivals in the fight for the highest positions? Among other things, positioning activities, including the aforementioned SEO texts, can help in this. How to write valuable content that will be appreciated not only by our audience, but also by Google robots? We have our own methods and we will be happy to share them with you. Fire up the engines and off you go!

SEO texts – what is it?

With the old, good (and how!) Habit, we start from scratch and provide answers in the so-called telegraphic shortcut. SEO texts – what is it? Nothing else than content supporting the optimization of a website for queries from a popular search engine. Why is it worth investing in them? Because they translate into traffic that results in a broadly understood conversion (time on the website, shopping, newsletter subscription or direct contact with the seller / service provider). How to recognize them? Good and well-written content is no different from high-quality product or marketing content. And finally – how to handle them properly? First of all, with sensitivity. Below, we’ll expand on the topic and explain why moderation and balance are especially important when it comes to SEO content.

SEO texts are substantively valuable content, provided in a tasty, but well-thought-out form in terms of optimization effects. Texts on SEO services are created mainly with the needs of the recipient who is looking for various types of information online, including about the product or service. Properly written and equipped with the weapon of phrases and headers, the SEO text is primarily designed to raise the site to a high position in the search engine, attract the user to the site and interest him enough to stay on it, draw knowledge from it and actively use the information provided. , e.g. by clicking on the links provided. The substantive content of the text and the language layer (style, correctness, fluency) must build a credible message that meets the recipient’s taste and needs.

SEO articles need to be optimized to make it easier to read – for both humans and robots!

What are these treatments for? We’ve already mentioned it, but it’s worth doing it again. Well, in order to gain and maintain a high position in the search engine ranking, intensify website traffic and gain a chance for a happy ending of the transaction process. Put simply – to stay ahead of the competition in the race for podium places and increase sales.

What does this mean in practice? How is it done? Let’s go deeper into it …

A quick guide for writers

When it comes to SEO texts, the rules of “breaking the scheme” are unlikely to work here! In their case, we have clearly defined guidelines on how to write to do it well. Below are the golden rules of writing for SEO that are worth printing and hanging over your desk. And then assimilate and use in practice!

A. Write to people
Anyone who has tried to deal with SEO texts at least once knows that the line between formulating a message for a “live audience” and creating content suitable for Google robots is really thin. It is not only about touching topics that are interesting to potential customers, solve their problems or arouse interest. It is also the clarity of the message and its appropriate form.

By over-focusing on keywords in the text and trying at all costs to put as many as ok as we can find in a fat broth, we will have a counterproductive effect. First of all, hardly anyone can get through it. The retreat will also be done by Google robots, which will give a poor evalsuation of the presented content. To sum up – by flicking the text with SEO phrases without moderation, we make ourselves (if we write for our own use) or the client (if we write on request), or more precisely – we damage the website.

Bonus …

What not to do?

Among other things, not to use clichéd texts such as “We are one of the largest organizations in the World”. After reading such a text, the recipient may only say: “Well?”. Think about the benefits and create a message from this perspective.

B. Flirt with keywords
We deliberately used a moderately professional-sounding verbal nomenclature. However, we wanted to draw attention to the need for delicacy in their use in SEO texts. It has to be tactful and with sensitivity. Let’s get down to business.

If you want to know what people are “reading” about, check out Google Trends. For free you will receive information on what Internet users from all over the world are looking for.

Before starting to create an article, be sure to check which phrases you are able to “stand out” and what the recipients are really looking for. You can use the Keyword Tool or AnswerThePublic for this purpose. It is worth not to limit yourself to the main phrases only – those with “Long Tail” (called Long Tail Positioning) have great potential and often allow SEO to more easily follow a given query. It may turn out that they will also consume significantly less resources (financial and time) in the entire process. However, remember that SEO texts are not everything! What else is worth spending your energy on?

Good advice…

If you want to use 100% of the power of key phrases, include them in eye-catching and entertaining titles and headings in your text.

C. Pay attention to form …
Do you have the gift to put words into sumptuous “bouquets”? Your description of cotton pads written in flowery language reads with more commitment than some of the items available in bookstores? This is already half the battle! Add keywords to it (e.g. our agency has created a paraphrasing tool and it is worth having such a slogan also appear in our articles), make sure that the SEO text is properly formatted. All kinds of bolding important points, italics, highlighting the most important parts of the text or bullets – everything is included! Thanks to this, we will gain greater transparency of the content, emphasize the most important things and make the work of Google robots more pleasant. And they can repay you.

D. Head is cut off for copying content.
Possibly hands. If someone, after this emphatic statement, does not yet know how to write SEO texts – we explain. DO NOT duplicate the content. We understand that not everyone has to be Tolkien. If the words do not flow out from under your fingertips like gusty torrents, you can always outsource your SEO texts. The price list is determined individually by the agency. If you decide to work directly with a copywriter, the author will create a price list for SEO texts based on:

– the specifics of your industry,
– “substantive input” delivered,
– the number of texts (and the basic unit of account – characters with spaces) included in the ordered content package,
– your experience,
– suggested date of material return.

If writing is not on your way, investing in professional SEO copywriting will be the best solution. Forget about copying excerpts from your competitors’ entries. Why?

First of all – texts obtained through CTRL + C, CTRL + V, and those that come from different websites and are glued together into one language monster hastily, usually it is impossible to read without realizing that something is wrong. And with what word will you greet your recipients, this is how they will perceive you for a long time. This rule also applies to spelling and punctuation correctness. Sometimes one comma changes everything!

Second – you will get a ban from Google robots. It is not difficult to figure out which content appeared first. Are you a thief? You will get the paws, nose and … other parts of the body. More importantly – you will be dethroned by Google. And it will really hurt!

Ethical issues are also important here. Someone has worked or invested to make the website unique. And more humanly speaking – do not do to the other person what you do not like. And you can fall victim to plagiarism, when you have your own beautiful and well-thought-out content.

E. Personalize your message
You can present one message in several different ways. For what? To be sure that your recipient understands you well. Speak the language that will reach him and he will feel at home on your website.

Since you’ve made it to this place with us, it can be assumed that you already know how to write SEO texts. However, to be absolutely sure, we provide examples below.

SEO texts – examples

SEO advertising texts or substantively valuable blog entries must be created in a thoughtful way. As we wrote above, what counts is the appropriate form, length of the entry and the proper use of keywords. What does this mean in practice? How to write SEO texts so that they have “hands and feet” and rank at the top of the search list?

SEO texts from the point of view and … words of a specialist

We asked the boss of all bosses, Head of Copywriting Paraphrase-Online.com – Amanda Hill

– With a good text (a bon mot) you can make a sensation in the company and join the group, with a good advertising text (claim) – promote the brand and gain customers, with a good SEO text – “tame” Google robots and boost the page in an internet search engine. In the era of gigantic development of e-commerce, this last good is especially important for companies that every day compete for the attention of customers looking for answers to their questions and needs online. Explains Amanda Hill.

SEO copywriting is still considered second-class creative writing. Some, although appreciating his role on the Internet, still accuse him of lack of panache and quality, which, according to them, are characteristic for only creative copywriting (advertising texts, slogans, slogans or product names). This SEO copywriting patch was obtained in the first years of the development of search engines, when websites were equipped with synonymized content that was linguistically and factually poor, aimed solely at stuffing as many of the so-called keywords. Fortunately, this uncontrolled and wild race for visibility in virtual space is over, and with it the era of mediocrity in the area of words posted on the website. Today, entrepreneurs care about the broadly understood image and it is they, next to the creators of modern technological solutions responsible for searching, who demanded quality.

Contemporary SEO copywriting plays a very important role in e-marketing and significantly contributes to the optimization of websites, influencing their visibility and promotion on the web. The text for the home page, categories, product subpages, blog or sponsored article, prepared according to strict SEO principles, is a value that cannot be overestimated.

How to write SEO texts – a summary of the most important rules

If you are still wondering whether it is worth writing SEO texts for your website – the answer is: YES! To serve valuable articles that will be appreciated not only by website visitors, but also by Google robots, focus on quality. In the broad sense of the word.

Ideas for additional content may arise in your head or result from the suggestions of Internet users! Check what topics are hot and what problems your target group is struggling with. Solve them with your entries. Stick a stick in “verbal anthills”, tone down emotions, be intriguing and expressive. Get to know yourself from the best side – literally and figuratively.

In addition to the typical articles that come across your company’s blog, you may be tempted to post:
– industry news with your own comment,
– reports on events, actions or interventions,
– tests and opinions,
– case study.

As you can see – there is a lot to choose from! Whichever form of expression you choose, remember about the visuals. Polish the title, headings (h1, h2, h3…), use keywords and also use those from the “long tail”. In addition, it is necessary to “draw the site map” to make its structure even more transparent for search engines.

Published inOnline MarketingParaphrase For FreeWord Changer
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