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    Case Study – Professional sewing machines (SEO)

    SEO is effective not only when the target customers are private individuals. It also provides significant increases in sales in the B2B sector, which is well known to one of our clients. It is a brand that provides enterprises with professional sewing, gluing, cutting and ironing machines, with which we started cooperation in June 2020. Let’s take a look at how its visibility on the Internet changed one year after signing the contract.

    About company

    Our client is a company that has been selling high-quality sewing machines from 94 countries around the world for over 30 years. It provides complete equipment and service used by the largest companies in the industry. Thanks to its experience and high standards, it enjoys the trust of its customers, but is still ready to develop and expand the base of contractors. Therefore, in order to increase sales, she contacted us with an order for the SEO service of a corporate website on the web.

    Goals and assumptions

    At the time of signing the contract, the client’s website saw a decrease in visibility in the search engine, which also influenced the traffic and conversions. Therefore, the main goal was to reverse this trend and increase the website’s visibility, especially on difficult phrases for which the website obtained poor positions. The client also wanted to promote some devices and manufacturers from their offer, so we also chose the appropriate phrases for these purposes.

    The contract is implemented from the very beginning on the basis of consulting – we do not make any corrections on the client’s website, but we watch over its SEO and recommend changes that the company implements using its own resources. We prepare detailed guidelines regarding both technical issues and the content to be included on the website, we also have regular contact with the client’s developer – in person and, if necessary, also by phones. This is one of the few cases when a client has contact not only with an account manager, but also an SEO specialist. In addition to preparing guidelines, we also deal with link building, i.e. creating a valuable profile of external links leading to the client’s website. We perform all of these activities as part of a $ 5,000 monthly package.

    What did we start with?

    When we started cooperation, i.e. in June 2020, the website already noted a lot of phrases in the top positions, but it had a lot of untapped potential. Her results from this period are:
    – 80 phrases in TOP3,
    – 345 phrases in TOP10,
    – 2153 phrases in TOP50.

    It is a good result which provides a solid foundation for further actions. However, in order to increase visibility, it was necessary to implement a whole list of tweaks that we specified for the client in an extensive audit.

    Our recommendations

    The guidelines contained instructions for introducing mechanisms to automate and improve the operation of the entire website, and thus minimize the introduction of manual changes. This was to eliminate errors in internal linking, limit the wide scale of 404 errors and improve the poor indexation resulting from a large base of similar products. It turned out that it was necessary to change the category structure, introduce key phrases to the headers, category names and meta titles, or eliminate duplicates in searching through filters by introducing canonical links. We also commissioned a number of changes that could speed up the website and adapt it to the high standards of the Google algorithm.

    As for the content – the existing texts required optimization for SEO, including saturation with key phrases selected by me. We also suggested introducing additional content on subpages with categories and organizing news and guidance content. As the client has sufficient resources to prepare the texts himself and wanted to use them, writing the content is entirely on his side. However, we prepare detailed guidelines for all texts that are created so that they are valuable both in terms of content and from the SEO point of view. These texts are directed only to purely sales subpages, such as category, product or category filter pages.

    Results after half a year and after a year of cooperation

    Cooperation in the consulting model is demanding both for us and for our clients. It requires a lot of discipline and the will to reach agreement on both sides. However, if they do show up, the results can be very good – just like for a website. After six months, the results were as follows:
    TOP3 – 128 phrases,
    TOP10 – 424 phrases,
    TOP50 – 2274 phrases.

    In our industry, however, it is repeated like a mantra that positioning is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time for the implemented changes to start to bring tangible benefits in the form of increased traffic and improved visibility for the most difficult phrases. Therefore, it is also worth showing that this process is ongoing and you can still notice significant increases in organic results. In June this year, the results were as high as:
    – 327 TOP3 phrases,
    – 908 phrases in TOP10,
    – 4266 phrases in the TOP50.

    Organic traffic can be estimated at about 15.6 thousand per month. These are the results that show that we have chosen the right direction together with the client, and that our work translates into real profits for the company. This is also evidenced by the data from Analytics, which shows that the revenue from the organic channel in the third quarter of this year increased by 16.86% compared to the third quarter of last year, and the number of new users on the website increased by 26.92%.

    Published inChange Text OnlineLink BuildingParaphrase tool onlineSEO
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