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Advertising for an online store – which channels to choose?

The number of online stores is growing, which is dictated by the increased interest in online shopping. For you – as an e-shop owner – this means the necessity to start wide-ranging advertising activities if you want to reach new customers or retain the ones you already have. Are you wondering where to start and what channels to bet on? Check which advertisement for an online store brings the best results!

Internet advertising is currently the best way to reach potential customers. It allows you to use many channels that can be tailored to your needs and expectations. Nothing prevents you from investing in several forms of Internet advertising at the same time – such a multifaceted approach may increase the chance of achieving sales success and allow you to optimize your activities.

SEO – a way to reach the top of the search engine

Advertising for an online store begins with the presence of a website in the search results. Statistics show that web users choose mainly those websites that are on the first page of the search engine, less often on the second. If the online store is located on other pages, it is practically non-existent. That is why it is so important to reach the top – preferably TOP 10.

SEO helps in achieving such effects – a number of activities related to the optimization and positioning of the website. The first step is to optimize the store, which includes, among others meta tags, category descriptions, product descriptions, content.

The key activity in positioning is providing valuable links – in line with the chosen strategy. It is also no less important to create a friendly structure of the website itself for Google’s web robots that index the page. Moreover, many positioners believe that content is of key importance – its high quality, intriguing content and responding to the needs of the customer group we are interested in. Such a thesis makes sense considering the fact that the foundation of the Google search engine is the fact that it feeds on content and responds well to content that is attractive to its users.

You can take care of website positioning yourself. However, since positioning takes a lot of time and training, many companies decide to entrust work on improving visibility in the search engine to specialized agencies or freelancers.

It is also worth bearing in mind that positioning is a long-term process and requires attention. Of course, situations in which the website climbs upwards are common (a lot depends on the budget and competitiveness), but more often you have to wait at least a few months for the results. A lot of companies, however, invest in positioning because in the long run it is the cheapest method of advertising their website and also increases the value of the website itself.

Google Ads – the perfect advertisement for an online store?

Positioning an online store is a long-term process, so you have to wait for the results. To speed up customer acquisition, you can opt for Google Ads – it’s a paid advertisement for an online store.

The most frequently chosen form of Google Ads are sponsored links. It is about displaying the ad above the organic results after the user enters certain phrases (and sometimes also under). By clicking on the link, the internet user will be redirected to the online store or website with the service offer.

The Google advertising platform also allows you to run campaigns on external websites. Advertising for the online store will appear in the form of banners which, after intriguing the Internet user, will transfer him to a given page. This is the so-called Google advertising network, which basically brings together all relevant websites or blogs.

The third option – especially eagerly chosen by online stores – is Google Shopping. It is a tool that allows you to promote specific products directly in the search engine. How does it look in practice? When the user enters the name of the product in the search engine, your store’s offer will be displayed in a special box – along with the price and photo.

Paraphrase-Online.com customers are more and more willing to invest higher and higher budgets there, which speaks for itself – businesses invest where it is most profitable.

Google Ads also allows you to run Youtube ads that replace traditional TV ads. They offer much cheaper reaching better defined groups. Thanks to them, you can also create very wide-reaching campaigns and still save a lot of funds compared to other forms of brand advertising.

Okay, why is Google Ads the most-chosen form of advertising on the Internet? And why is it considered to be basically perfect?

First of all, it allows you to target your audience very well. The better selected group, the more effectively invested funds. If you spend $ 100 in a wrong group, you can get, for example, one client. Similarly, $ 100 spent in a group potentially more interested may result in acquiring, for example, two or 3 customers, which will reduce the cost of acquiring a customer by 50 or 66% – each optimization change of this type allows therefore to allocate the budget more sensibly, and Google Ads thanks to detailed options to reach it allows it.

Second, Google Ads is measurable. You know exactly how much it cost you to acquire a given client and you know where he came from and what led him to do so. Thanks to the connection with Google Analytics, you can even know how he traveled the page to finally decide to buy.

The third feature that makes Google Ads so valued is the form of settlement – most often in the CPC model, i.e. per click. Therefore, you do not pay for the fact that someone saw your ad, but for the actual click and redirection to your website. Honest.

Advertising on Facebook

While there are many social networking sites out there, advertising for an online store on Facebook – especially in certain industries – is the most popular. Thanks to it you can:
– conduct image communication with recipients – this allows for building and maintaining long-term relationships,
– acquiring leads – obtaining data from potential clients,
– advertise products directly.

The basis is to create a fan page, but even the best and most interesting entries will not allow you to reach a wide group of potential customers. Paid campaigns, which are distinguished by considerable flexibility, can be of help.

You can choose from:
– sponsored posts,
Messenger ads,
– remarketing banners.

An interesting option is the so-called collection (carousel) going to the main section of a potential customer. Thanks to it, it is possible to present many specific products. Among them, there are often those that a potential buyer was looking for.

Facebook is attractive to advertisers because, like Google Ads, it allows you to reach selected target groups, but also allows you to interact with users. Ultimately, it can engage more than Youtube.

Content marketing – for better recognition

Content marketing is marketing activities that focus on different content. This is not a typical advertisement for an online store, because it most often complements other promotional channels and, for example, is an important element in the process of website positioning.

The essence of content marketing is to provide valuable content – useful from the point of view of the recipient. These are most often expert articles published on external websites, but also articles published on the company’s blog.

Such activities help build a positive image and increase brand awareness. In addition, they help in obtaining valuable links, which is important in the context of positioning.

In fact, however, this is just the tip of the iceberg. When thinking about content, we must have a huge range of possibilities at the back of our heads that are not only based on content but also form. The task of the content department may therefore be to create webinars, guides, trendbooks, lookbooks, infographics, books for children and whatever your heart desires. Each form used should be adapted to the expectations of a given group.

Advertising for an online store – what to decide on?

It is difficult to clearly identify specific channels that allow to achieve the best advertising results. It all depends on many factors – including your expectations, the needs of potential customers, the way the campaign is run and the industry.

Remember that the effectiveness of advertising for an online store is influenced not only by the type of selected channel, but most of all:
– correct determination of the target group,
– precise specification of the purpose of the campaign,
– systematic monitoring of the results.

The last point is especially important, because based on the results achieved, you can modify the ads – so that they bring even better results. Constant control allows you to simultaneously increase / decrease financial outlays for specific channels.

Advertising campaign – alone or with support?

If you are just starting to carry out activities aimed at promoting your online store, it will be difficult for you to implement the campaign yourself. It is possible as long as you have the appropriate knowledge – it is crucial, among others to precisely define the target group or to correctly configure specific ads.

If you want to be sure that the money invested in specific channels will not be wasted, rely on the support of professionals. Experts in the field of internet marketing will choose the right tools to make the process of promoting your store on the Internet more efficient. This will increase the chances of achieving the assumed goal, e.g. increasing sales, building brand awareness, acquiring leads.

Published inGoogle AdsOnline MarketingParaphrasing GeneratorRephrase
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