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Before you reject the copywriter text … read this article

Writing is a challenge

“To make the brand grow stronger and the customer live better” – this is the motto on the desktop of every salesman and every SEO, and the copywriter repeats them in his sleep to sit down eagerly to work on the text for the site, blog, back-up, portal and wherever the best product or service under the sun can be promoted. Such a “reality” is expected by the client and therefore every scratch on this image is a reason for dissatisfaction, complaints and often unfair assessments, in the light of which all the agency’s work is worth nothing based on weak texts, which in the best case “wrote a graduate of the third grade of primary school with diagnosed dysortography. ” Oh yes, you can listen. SEO copywriting is the victim of the dissatisfied customers who would like to get at least Shakespeare’s prose, and receive an amateur graphom show, which one does not know and who speaks … Oh, you get content authors whose task is to write for SEO, i.e. for the needs of Google search engine optimization.

A rigid framework for creation

SEO copywriting is not an easy job. It is fallow plowing. On the bumpy way of building content that is valuable for a bot, and interesting for a living reader, many difficulties await the creator – and even the disposition that “lopsided” phrases appear in the denominator (including the service and name of the city, eg “cleaning the cobblestones Miami “), and 20 keywords were found in 3500 characters. The guidelines also say that specially constructed headings are needed, and the content on inaccurate topics must be “lengthy”, and substantive. So say the tools analyzing the content of the page (including senuto) and positioners who based on them develop an action plan.

Technical aspects are not everything. If the whole range of guidelines reaches a specialized topic of the site, and the client does not share or does not have materials written in an accessible way, the copywriter will be awaiting a lot of hard work – query, preparation of the outline, and finally developing the right content. It all requires time and the ability to search for factual and reliable information. Therefore, mental acuity, vigilance and detective inquisitiveness in searching for needed data will be useful. Of course, many subjects are considered so-called lighter caliber, but there may be danger in some of them. A seemingly easy issue for one is a minefield for another. So how much truth is it in the common belief that a good copywriter will bear any topic and satisfy every customer?

Who wrote that he didn’t show off?

As a result of the copywriter’s work, a text is created for the website, company blog or thematic portal. Now the client’s task is to familiarize with the material and the decision to publish. In the vast majority of cases, the resulting content is accepted and implemented without reservation. We hear then that we managed, that we know each other, that our content is great and subsequent content orders will definitely reach us.

Some of the texts are returned to the agency with substantive comments or a request to change the style to a more or less official one. Based on explicit guidelines, we improve the material and send it back to the customer. In this arrangement, almost 100 percent. texts gain approval and gets to the site.

It is completely different when the material returns (after all, after a long period of verification) with an annotation that really doesn’t tell us much. The most popular comments include: “it is hopeless”, “bad reading”, “pointless”, “weak”, “who wrote it !!!?”, “Tragedy”. With 5 million characters that pass through our hands in a month, it may happen that the client gets a text not written entirely on the subject, not very “meaty”, stylistically weaker or too similar in content to those of competitors. We do everything to minimize the risk of such a situation. But if it happens, we could accept even the harshest criticism if, apart from the laconic commentary, we received at least one tip – marking incorrect information in the text or fragments that do not match the style of the client. A link to a similar page or thematic materials could be useful.

Meanwhile, in these rare but memorable cases, instead of a chance for immediate improvement (corrected orders give priority), at best we get a series of emails with explicit expressions of dissatisfaction with cooperation, and in a slightly darker scenario – we get bad recommendations on the Internet or announcement of the end of cooperation. In extreme cases, the customer uses this situation as one of the arguments for the early termination of the contract without complying with the terms of termination. We do not know to the end whether the reason for dissatisfaction is allegedly poor quality of the texts or the alleged lack of progress in optimizing the website. As practice shows, if you do not know what exactly is going on, it means that it is about money …, but this is a topic for a separate article.

SEO copywriting – two birds with one stone

Good content is the key to website success. Properly written, they attract the attention of Internet searchers. However, content sites do not make it to the top places in search engines by chance. Professional text design, an appropriate set of thematic key phrases and the optimal length of the text are, next to appropriate linking, one of the most important factors determining the presence in good positions in Google. This is food for vending machines, i.e. the first part of the work. When the page is high enough, i.e. on the first page of the search engine, the probability of clicking the link is very high. If the user already does this and the page does not find information that is interesting to him, i.e. valuable content for him, there will be no conversion, i.e. purchase or registration in the form. It is for the content of the page to attract attention, keep the user on the page and encourage him to act, he shares, among others SEO copywriter. In his work, he must construct a text frame that is formally appropriate and fill it with absorbing, factual content.

You will know them by their fruits

The global network is full of words. Every day, hundreds of millions of characters of new publications reach this unlimited space, many of which are of questionable quality and / or usefulness. When a user searches for information on a given topic, he is interested in specific products or services, he wants to get the one closest to his expectations. The latest research leaves no doubt that today’s internet user does not read the text on the page, but sweeps it with his eyes. A statistical web user stops rather on photos or moving images. At the same time, it is known that the most popular search engine needs content to have criteria for recommendation. On what basis does he choose the optimal ones from among all the texts? Google does not provide a search engine algorithm, but it clearly defines the characteristics of good material that will outclass the content available from competitors:

– the content of the page should respond to the user’s query and / or respond to his purchase needs
– the content should have an educational value
– the text should be fluent, logical and easy to read
– the most important information should be easily identifiable and available at an early stage

A good SEO copywriter is one that “A good pen” can reconcile all of these characteristics. Is able to combine the optimization aspect of content with the lightness expected by the reader, which means that apart from technical knowledge, he will also show imaginative character. However, it should be remembered that in most cases SEO content is not written by specialists in everything. Most of them explore the subject by working on it. The client must be aware that it is great art to write about difficult, often specialized issues in an accessible language that is understandable to the average user. In the vast majority of cases it is he who goes to the page in the search engine.

To understand is to want more

The user who gets to the page with the information sought in a transparent and understandable way will probably stay on it longer. That is why it is worth constructing the content of individual subpages in such a way that it encourages them to move on to the next and become familiar with their content. If the SEO Copywriter is dealing with a field that does not require delving into the ins and outs of professional terminology, the task is simpler. The customer usually does not object to even radical changes in the text layer of the site. It will be a little different when the author is faced with difficult matter, which includes topics related to industries or specialized services. Usually, when there is a proposal to let some air between the lines of a complicated text, i.e. translate it into a less professional language and give it a marketing touch, the resistance on the part of clients is very high. Companies want to maintain the image of a competent, professional enterprise even at the expense of less effective SEO activities. According to people managing company pages, presenting an offer with a less professional language may affect the perception of the company as a serious business partner or supplier of products or services. Meanwhile, as shown by our observations, giving ‘lightness’ to texts on company websites that, after negotiations, allow for changes, brings good results. Customers notice that a user of the internet who is spoken in a more understandable language is beginning to trust them and be more interested in their offer.

There is no positioning without good content. There is no good content without an efficient copywriter, i.e. one that is not only creative but also experienced in the art of creating SEO content. Such an author can write a sample text in such a way that he will convince difficult clients to allow them to change the content of their pages in accordance with the principles of optimization. If our copywriter is able to correctly interpret orders, search for information and complete tasks on time, it means that we’ve got a real treasure.

Published inCopywritingParahraseParaphrase OnlineParaphrasingParaphrasing ToolRephraseRewording ToolSEOWebwritingWriting tips
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