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Effective page positioning – what does it depend on?

Whether a site will be on the main search page for a given phrase depends on Google ranking factors that index the site and determine its attractiveness to the user. If the crawlers “can not see” the page, there is a small chance that it will be high in the SERP results. The factors that influence the visibility of the site are currently over 250. The proper optimization of the site in terms of search engines and known algorithms is half of the success that affects the effective positioning of the site.

Positioning the page – what is it used for?

Anyone who wants to appear on the Internet with their website should carry out all necessary SEO activities on their website. The Google search engine is used by as many as 98.62% of American Internet users. Every day, they enter hundreds of thousands of phrases and queries that lead to specific websites. For the e-commerce industry, such statistics can contribute to organic website traffic, which is definitely cheaper than any marketing activities aimed at promoting the website. However, you need to ensure that the potential customer goes to the business run on the Internet. Effective website positioning depends on many factors, but it is definitely worth following SEO principles that can significantly affect the visibility of the site in the SERP (search results pages) and minimize the bounce rate.

The site, which is optimized for indexing robots, is search engine friendly, and therefore faster indexed and, as a result, more visible to the user.

Effective page positioning – how?

Website positioning is a long-term process, visible even after a few months from the implementation of the first optimization processes. Any changes aimed at improving the visibility in the search results should be started from your own site, through an internal audit. It is also worth conducting a competition analysis that helps determine the market saturation in a given industry, but it is also useful in drawing an application to the activity of your own company.

Any activities on the site that are to increase its visibility in the search results can be divided into several parts – both on-site and off-site. Meticulously and properly carried out activities that will be implemented in accordance with the White Hat SEO principle will affect effective positioning.

Specification of the target group and locations

First of all, we must define the scope and purpose of our activities. The e-commerce industry may operate in a wider region, but local hairdressing or construction companies should focus on local positioning. In SEO addressed to a given group of recipients located in a specific city, activities not only within the website will be useful. It’s worth, or even necessary, to set up a Google My Business tab that will help you promote your business locally.

Specifying a group of recipients, due to gender and age, will facilitate the customization of the content and appearance of the page for a given user. These are factors that affect UX and are therefore significant for the time the user stays on the site.


This is one of the most important aspects of effective page positioning, because it is finally through keywords or specific queries, the user goes through the search engine to the given page. That is why it is so important to choose appropriate keywords that will not only be used in the headers, in the store description, but also in the title and description, in categories and in their descriptions, in blog content, as well as in tags. Key phrases referring to the main page and subpages must be woven into the text naturally, to be friendly to Google’s robots, but also to the user himself.

It is important to choose phrases for your website (useful tools like keyword tools will be available) so that the user can get to the site. We distinguish several phrases and queries:

– brand phrases – are keywords that directly direct the company’s name or a specific product and the brand that the user is looking for.
– local phrases – referring to a place, company and industry. They are focused on user’s queries regarding a given region, e.g. the best dentist in NY, hairdresser LA, construction services in Chicago.
– long tail phrases – it is worth using them especially in the e-commerce industry, because they help the user find what he is looking for and allow to narrow the search field. The use of phrases for the long tail is especially useful in industries in which we deal with powerful competition, eg in footwear companies. There is a small chance that the user will find a newly opened online shoe store only by the phrase winter shoes. So you have to expand the phrase with additional words, such as: red winter boots with thick heels.
– guide phrases – how, where, why, why are these questions that are worth using especially in blog articles. Users enter them in the search engine when they want to learn something, get answers to bothering questions, such as what is the best pizzeria in Warsaw, how to protect the garden for winter, 5 ways to healthy hair. It is worth using these queries in blog texts on the website.

Head section

The homepage should be search engine friendly and user-friendly in terms of key phrases that you need to skillfully incorporate into the head section, i.e. in the title of the page, title and description and headers.

Title and description – website traffic is largely generated by giving the right title, which encourages the user to click on the site. If the title will match the query and the description will additionally confirm its validity, then these two factors will affect the effective positioning of the page. It is definitely worth using these tags for each page and subpage, remembering that the title can not exceed 60-70 characters, and description 160 (currently, because this parameter changes slightly).

Headings h1-h6 – this is a very important element of effective positioning, that’s why you need to use headers tags, in which there will be key phrases woven in a natural way. Crawlers scan the page from above, that’s why in the headline there should be a phrase that is most relevant for a given site, category, sub-category or product description.

Friendly URL – URLs that should be user-friendly and algorithms also have influence on the positioning. They should be consistent with the title of the page. The website itself should also have an SSL certificate that positively affects the website’s credibility.

Optimization of images – each graphic that will be on the page should be described with the alt and title attribute. In addition, photos can not be too large, because they slow down the speed of page loading, and thus affect the bounce rate, so-called. Bounce rate.

Content and useful content

Useful, original and unique content contribute to effective optimization of the website for SEO. Companies that care about the quality of content posted on the website are recording a growing rate of clicks. The Panda algorithm is pushing up the site, which is full of useful and unique content, and at the same time brings substantive values ​​enriched with key key phrases and relevant queries. It is not without reason that the value of content when positioning a website is appreciated, because through a company blog containing many interesting guides, we can attract Internet users for whom these content will be useful. It is definitely worth providing the user with a quality content, thanks to which he will stay on the site for longer. Substantive content containing keywords significantly affects the recognition of index crawlers as useful, and consequently, effective for SEO.

Importantly, no content on the site can be copied from other websites or duplicated within it, we have to do with the so-called duplicate content that adversely affects the SEO and visibility of the site in the SERP.

Internal links and effective website positioning
Proper, transparent page structure favors positioning. Internal links placed on the site are a kind of navigator for the user who follows it. Internal linking should be appropriate in terms of naming, correctness (whether one link leads to another) and efficiency (links can not be inactive or lead to a non-existent page).

Page loading speed, responsive and mobiles version
These factors affect whether the user stays on the site. A website that is too slow to load or one that does not interact with mobiles devices is not attractive to the user, and thus to the crawlers. The website should be optimized in this respect, as these factors influence effective positioning.

Presence in social media
This is a factor that indirectly influences the effective positioning of the website. The profile on social media facilitates communication with the client and makes the company seem much more friendly. It is also a way to share blog content or industry news with the user, which affects the company’s credibility. Ultimately, it is also the next way thanks to which the user can become familiar with the content of your website.

Effective SEO
Website optimization should be carried out consistently and systematically. The site must “live” to be seen by Google’s search engine. SEO is a process, not a one-time activity, so you can not be discouraged if after a month you do not notice increased traffic on your website. You should also remember about useful tools that will help us measure the effect of your activities, such as Google Analytics or Google Search Console. We also need to follow similar industries, prevailing trends or important algorithms. Effective SEO, however, starts with optimization within the site and unique content.

Published inCopywritingParahraseParaphrasingParaphrasing ToolRephraseSEOSpecial
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