People talk a lot about marketing, but not everyone knows what they are. A marketing person can be defined in various ways. Simply put, this is the type / profile of the client that represents the greater part of a particular group. Persona has its own individual characteristics, behaviors, values – these are the guiding principles when choosing a product or service. The so-called. buyer persons (or marketing persons) are fictional characters but have the characteristics of real customers. Their task is to facilitate the work of marketing, communication and sales departments. Thanks to them it is possible to design a communication path for a particular group of recipients.
To speak more scientifically, “Persons are fictional characters based on customer data that represent different segments of target audiences.” However, the simplest definition of marketing person is the ideal client of a given brand / product / service.
Creating a marketing person requires a lot of time and attention. I recommend focusing on even the smallest details, because they can later be of great importance in communication. Person can be determined based on your own imagination – this is a solution for young brands, but it is also much better to reach for analytical data on already acquired customers. When looking for the perfect customer, you need to combine both demographic and psychographic data. Remember that persona is not only a description of the ideal customer’s personality, but also a set of all factors that may affect the purchasing process. What should a good description of marketing personnel contain?
– Demographics. They answer the question of who the ideal customer is. This part of the description includes information such as age, gender, place of residence, education, role in the family.
– The financial data”. They answer the question how much an ideal customer earns. This part of the description analyzes information such as the type of work performed, position held, scope of duties, industry, size of the company, amount of earnings (in the range), how much it spends, how it pays, where it buys, what savings it has.
– Data on rituals and behaviors. They answer the question of what a typical ideal customer’s day looks like. For each brand, different rituals and behaviors will be important, but it’s worth gathering them as much as possible. In this part you can, for example, describe how persona moves to work, what she does in her free time, where she goes on vacation, what she reads, what she eats for breakfast, what time she gets up, where she goes shopping, what her interests are, or browses the Internet on a computer or mobiles, at what times it is active on the network, etc. This subitem of description is one of the most important, because it allows you to immediately determine what points of contact with the brand can be and when they can occur, e.g. during a tram ride on universities.
– Data on needs. They answer the question, what is the ideal customer’s problem and how can you help him develop it? Problems may loosely relate to the services sold or be closely related to them. For example, a young mother may have a problem with lack of time for herself – the solution: she needs your time planner or e-book to organize yourself at home.
– Value data. They answer the question, what are the most important values, ambitions and goals of an ideal customer. This information is needed to determine the incentive that a marketing person will be given to make them want to buy.
– Data on concerns. They answer the question what an ideal customer is most afraid of. This type of information can also motivate the customer to act. The biggest fears are a good way to encourage action – e.g. you don’t want to have a stomach band, reach for an e-book with exercises or healthy recipes.
– Data on shopping behavior. They answer the question of how a perfect customer buys. This part of the description should contain information whether the client is susceptible to expert words, whether he pays attention to promotions, whether he values the recommendations of friends / family / influencers, whether he checks price comparisons, whether he focuses on quantity or quality.
Based on all this information, a description is created of the marketing person to whom the name is given and the photo is added. This allows you to better image the perfect customer. Good advice: it is best to add the photo at the very end (so as not to succumb to stereotypes based on the appearance), and also put on the most natural image possible.
When creating a marketing persona, it’s always worth reaching for professional tools. Thanks to them, it will be easier to obtain quantitative data and will not be a divination from coffee grounds. It is good to combine data with observations, as well as customer interviews (if any).
Hardly any company has only one marketing person. Typically, brands make up to 3 to 5 people. This is considered a minimum. However, you must remember not to force a dozen or so perfect clients. Creating a person is not about describing every possible customer on the market, but the one who can actually be the perfect brand. Another thing to remember is that each persona created should represent a different audience segment. Perfect customers cannot be almost identical and differ from each other only, e.g. by age.
It should also be mentioned here that marketing persona is not only a B2C business tool. Companies operating in the B2B sector should also take care of their creation.
Marketing persona is primarily to improve the activities of marketing and sales departments. Creating them makes communication more effective, and so-called budget burnout smaller. Other benefits of meeting an ideal customer include:
– Defining the target group of the project, e.g. introducing new phones
models to the store,
– Understanding the needs of customers, their
goals and motivation, which allows, among others determine whether the
introduction of a new service / product makes sense,
– Adjusting brand communication (of all teams and
departments) to the language spoken by the customer, which will eliminate
errors and allow you to reach him and sell the product faster,
– Identifying the “places” where
customers are most often and conducting the most intensive marketing activities
Marketing persona can play many roles in the purchasing process. Moreover, it will not always be involved in the transaction. It is therefore important to know the role of the person. They are divided according to the tasks they play.
The first role a persona can play is the buyer. He purchases the product. Persona can also be an initiator, i.e. subject to the idea of buying a service or product. The next roles are advisory, user, decision maker. Understanding these roles allows you to assign them to specific people. It should be noted that decision-makers are not always reached. Many brands in their person grid will have primarily advisors and initiators, this is not a bad thing, but you need to adapt the content to their needs and decision-making possibilities.
Marketing persona are usually used by marketing and communication departments. Persons are also important for the sales department. However, little is said about the importance of marketing persona in the context of SEO. However, they are inseparably connected. The created personas facilitate the optimization of the website and its positioning in the search engine. A brand that has created people knows what products they are looking for, their priorities and how it works on the web. Thanks to this SEO activities are more targeted. They allow, for example, to choose a set of keywords for a given person and carry it through the entire purchasing process.
Marketing persona also help in working on Customer Journey Map. CJM is a customer journey map from the first contact with the brand / product to purchase. Knowing your persona, you can significantly reduce the route of travel, prevent chaos, maximize positive experiences. Thanks to this, the company does not burn the budget and runs tailored SEO campaigns.
Let us also remember that marketing persona are increasingly important for the website’s UX and its readability and functionality. As every SEO knows well, this translates into search engine results. Many companies decide to create websites, or landing page dedicated to specific people. Their appearance is tailored to the needs, preferences and expectations of the perfect customer.
Marketing persona are one of the most important elements of each brand’s advertising and content strategy. They can also help in SEO. Thanks to her, one knows how, to whom and what to talk about. The process of creating persona is not a day or two. You have to get to know your perfect customer. Determining your age, gender and place of residence will not make him your friend. And he should be. The better and more accurately you meet the marketing person, the more useful it will be in building communication, marketing and SEO strategies.
If you look at GSC (Google Search Console) then you won’t find information
about target groups there, which you can specify by e.g. age but you can read a
lot from the keywords that appear there:
price cuts – this is already a clue that you can use to expand the site with
additional subpages or content. The target group determined by the prism of
price shapes your pricing policy and also indicates whether a given group of
words will benefit you or not (because you may not sell this assortment up to $
20 but you will still start). At the same time, on this basis, you can specify
the target group in terms of income (or at least try).
– questions – they prove the nature of the
information sought and constitute the basis for building answers. For example,
if someone types in “how to examine the competition’s keywords,” we
can assume that it is either a seo or the owner of a new business. So why not
answer this question with a solution scheme and an additional incentive to buy
my service?
– “how to teach a dog to bark” – here
you can also do a lot in terms of building content and handling specific target
– it may happen, however, that the target group is
not the same as the typed phrase – for example, “online printing
house”. If the customer is indeed a printing house but only supports the
B2B market, then it is worth clearly saying to such a customer that yes, he has
a lot of traffic, but there are no customers there, because this is the B2C
market and in organic results this group of customers is the overwhelming
majority. That is why it is worth considering whether we really want to push
ourselves – our customer.
– devices – in GSC we have the ability to verify
group traffic according to the type of device used. Thanks to this, we know
whether the target group are passionate computer players or mobiles people (e.g.
The general definition defines plagiarism as “The process of copying data from the Internet or using someone’s idea and appropriating it as one’s own.“
This is a highly inadvisable act, which is treated as a fraud, immoral in nature, containing elements of theft and lies. Applying these practices has led to a multitude of anti-plagiarism programs. The main purpose of using this type of practice is scanning text for copied content. The duplicate web content detector not only checks if the text contains stolen fragments, but also reveals the sources they come from.
If you are a student, writer or author of articles for a magazine, you certainly want your work to be unique and one of a kind. Some of the anti-plagiarism systems simply check your text once and give the overall result for the whole. There are also free online plagiarism detection programs that check every sentence of your work in a very intelligent way, focusing on every word. For photos, use the image feedback search tool to check that the image or photo has not been copied from somewhere, and add appropriate sources to prevent image-related plagiarism.
Some bloggers believe that a site with unique content mixed with copied content will gain high positioning. Nothing could be more wrong. New algorithms used by Google approach each site individually. In practice, the page containing the copied content will not pass positive verification for plagiarism, which means that it will not be able to advance among search results. Creating unique content for your website or blog is not easy for you?
We encourage you to use our text paraphrase tool, and in the blink of an eye you will generate the right material.
To a large extent, this type of anti-plagiarism programs consists of a window into which fragments of text or entire paragraphs are pasted to check for plagiarism. Parts of the content that have been copied are underlined in red and their frequency is expressed as a percentage. Such software is most often used by students who, in order to preserve the originality of their content, remove repeated parts of the text. Teachers checking works do the same. SEO managers, expecting 100% uniqueness from their employees, commonly use this kind of tools. Publishing copied content is a serious offense, and thus, most websites check their content before posting it on their own sites.
This is usually a few steps:
A. If the sentence that is currently being checked is already somewhere on the Internet, a red warning will appear and the content will be marked as plagiarism.
B. However, if your content is unique, a green notification will be displayed. After a full scan, an overall result will appear, displaying the extent to which the article is original.
C. Thickness of Key Phrases: Counts the number of keywords contained in your content and gives the result for One, Two and Three words.
Content marketing is one of the main factors affecting rankings in organic search results. Its use allows:
– tell Google
robots what the page or subpage is about,
– contain key phrases with high
potential, important from the point of view of positioning,
– increase website traffic,
– provide users with valuable and
useful content,
– build the image of an expert in a
given industry,
– increase conversion.
Publishing the content gives search engine robots a signal that the site is still working and is constantly updated. Unfortunately, creating new content, optimizing it in terms of search engine algorithms, and then assessing the potential in terms of profit take a long time. Therefore, before we undertake any content activities affecting website positioning, it is worth finding out what content is worth investing in.
Users like not only valuable, but also current content. For the same reason, they are also valued by Google search algorithms. What is the so-called fresh content? This is content that:
– is associated with recent
events that are gaining popularity (e.g.
natural disasters, individual sporting events, presidential elections,
information on celebrities),
– applies to events that are repeated periodically (Olympic Games,
TV programs – e.g. Dancing with the Stars),
– it is updated frequently and is subject to numerous changes (e.g.
reviews, lists and rankings of the best equipment, which are updated at
specified intervals).
The emergence of new, popular content arouses the interest of both current and new users – regularly published content increases website traffic and clickthrough rate (CTR), which can also affect positioning and position in organic search results.
What content should you choose? In an electronics store, attention should be drawn to an article about the most popular smartphoness or useful home gadgets that improve everyday life. In turn, in the gadget store, an article about 5 best gifts for a partner may turn out to be interesting. What’s more, such content, although related to a specific event, will also be current next year.
However, it turns out that “fresh content” is not always closely associated with the date of publication. It is the search engine algorithms that decide which content will be matched to the user’s query. It may turn out that the “fresh content” will be an article from a few minutes or hours ago, but also from a dozen or so days ago or from the previous month. Example? In the case of the password associated with the presidential election, the search results appear published several dozen minutes ago, a few hours earlier and a few days earlier. In turn, the slogan “the best smartphoness” we see both articles from a few days ago, and 2-3 months ago. Matching the most current results to queries related to current events is the result of two updates – from 2009 on indexing and from 2011 (the so-called Freshness Update), which affected about 35% of searches, and thanks to which today in the search engine we find content recently published.
Therefore, it turns out that Google algorithms prefer “fresh content” only for some queries. They are so-called Query Deserves Freshness (QDF). If Google considers the password to be “fresh”, the results will show recent material, but the time may vary – from a few minutes to several months, depending on the type of query. You can use such searches to create relevant content and increase website traffic, but it’s worth remembering that in the future, when the increased popularity of the query passes, the traffic generated by the material will also be limited. This does not mean, however, to opt out of fresh content, because they can be a source of many valuable links. What’s more, it’s worth choosing the right title for them – the year of publication visible in the search results can affect the increase in the clickthrough rate (CTR), which already has a direct impact on the position in organic results.
For queries outside Query Deserves Freshness, the date of publication of
the article will not have a major impact on your search engine rankings.
Examples of content for which publication time is not important
– recipe for pancakes,
– blog entry titled Which phones case should I choose?
– blog entry titled 5 ways to get a better night’s sleep.
In the above cases, not the
date of publication will be relevant, but:
– value of user information
– use of relevant key phrases in
appropriate density,
– traffic generated by the subpage,
– authority of the site,
– popularity among recipients),
– valuable links to the site
– and many other factors.
Somehow in opposition to dynamic content associated with current or cyclical events, stands the so-called evergreen content, which is eternally live content that does not become outdated despite the passage of days, months and even years and in the long run generates constant, valuable traffic. This type of content contains universal advice, tips and information that is not affected by the passage of time. The carrot cake recipe from 2020 is no different from the one from a few years ago. What materials are covered by evergreen content? Primarily:
– guides (how to choose an exterior door for your home, how to create a
happy relationship),
– industry lists (5 ways to better
sleep, 3 methods of coping with stress, 7 best natural cosmetics),
– case study,
– dictionaries of terms,
– answers to user questions and FAQ
However, this does not mean that the content that users are looking for at all times, regardless of the season or season, does not require editing. Why? Because technology also changes over time. An example is the marketing and internet and positioning industry – the article on SEO myths from 5 years ago will look completely different from the one published in 2020. Therefore, if we have already created a text on such subjects some time ago, it is worth keeping a finger on the pulse and adapting it to the changing information and ways of positioners.
Publishing new content usually involves either creating new subpages or
updating existing ones. It is worth remembering, however,
that adding content or updating it must be a thoughtful strategy, not “art
for art’s sake.” If the newly published content does
not bring value to the user, it probably will not bring you the expected
benefits (more traffic, higher conversions). Therefore,
when updating content, you should avoid practices such as:
– changing the publication date to
keep the content up to date,
– cosmetic, minor changes on the
page (in ads, user comments, JavaScript, etc.).
The higher frequency of updates of a given subpage and website generally causes Google robots to index it more often. A larger number of articles on a page or blog in this way generates more traffic, which indirectly affects positioning, but if this traffic is of little value (e.g. it will increase the bounce rate), then it does not have to be associated with an improvement in the position in organic search results. What’s more, SEO experts are multiplying examples of entries in top10 searches from pages that have not been updated for a long time. Therefore, the frequency of publication can affect website positioning, but does not have to, and there are so many ranking factors that it is difficult to predict the effects.
If the updates are not valuable to the user, then probably Google’s algorithms will not display them in high positions, and the content will not generate the increased traffic or conversions that we care about. Such actions do not make sense, because the content is created in order to achieve specific business goals.
Who said that created content can be used only once? The growing popularity of various forms of communication with users means that the existing material can be transformed into a slightly different one with little effort and reused. Examples?
– A tutorial entry on a blog can be a great base for an infographics or a
podcast, and a series of tutorials material for an ebook.
– Multimedia presentation for
training participants can be converted into a PDF guide (or vice versa).
– Graphics prepared for social
media can also be found as an illustration of a blog post.
This reuse of already existing content is what we call recycling. These activities involve creating new content that is valuable to the
user, based on existing content and has nothing to do with duplication. Content recycling can also consist of:
– article update, which we already
have on the site,
– combining several old articles
into one larger material (remember to redirect to avoid losing links to the
– extension of the guide,
– re-sharing the article on social
media (containing content that does not become outdated).
What are the benefits of
recycling content? Primarily:
– we save time – creating
completely new materials would definitely require more energy,
– we attract recipients interested
in a given medium (some prefer to listen to podcasts, others read blog entries),
– we are increasing the number of
potential recipients,
– we support SEO and conversion –
modern forms of content marketing, if properly optimized, also affect
– we “remind” the content
of search engine algorithms that re-index the page, i.e. evalsuate its content.
It is worth betting on
updating the content if:
– the content can (and even should)
be supplemented with new, valuable information,
– the site has collected valuable
links and you don’t want to lose them,
– the material ranks in the top 10
search results for interesting phrases, but does not generate conversions,
– The site has several articles on
a given topic, but only one of them generates relevant traffic.
Why is it not always profitable to create a new article? Because new content, unlike existing content, doesn’t have valuable links (e.g. from social media). If we want to use their potential, and at the same time we have no idea for new material, then a good solution may be to supplement the content of an existing entry. In the case of new pages that do not yet have a lot of content, it is worth focusing on new content, because these expand the catalog of keywords, which will be visible in search results.
To assess which pages we should update, it’s worth focusing on a content audit. Thanks to this you will be able to verify which subpages bring the expected results, which do nothing for you, and which are potentially harmful. To this end, you can use tools that analyze the traffic generated by individual URLs. Among them are:
– Google Analytics, which shows,
among others bounce rate for a given subpage and the time
spent by the user on a given subpage,
– Google Search Console, indicating the number of views; if there are many views and the time spent on the subpage is short, it
is a signal that the content may be unattractive.
Updating content can be
divided into several stages:
A. Log in to the Google Analytics account and go
to the Behavior-> Website Content-> All Pages section, where we will find
the most popular entries on our blog. On this basis, we preselect pages that
are worth analyzing in more detail. It is worth to read them again, compare
them with similar materials available from competing companies or stores and
think about whether we can expand, enrich or change our own content.
B. We use popular tools – Google Analytics and
Google Search Console. The data stored in them will help us choose the elements
to improve. If:
– you have a high bounce rate, increase the
attractiveness of the content – for example, supplement it with eye-catching
graphics, tables, charts;
– the data shows that the specific subpage has a
low CTR (Click Through Rate), it is worth considering changing the meta data –
title, meta description;
– the subpage generates very few
conversions, focus on visually attractive CTA (call to action).
C. After making any changes, it is worth following
the results in the above-mentioned tools – in this way you will find out
whether the implemented changes and enriched content actually brought the
expected results.
There are content that will always be up to date. However,
because technology is moving forward in many areas of information, current a
few years ago, today is useless. Therefore, it is worth
looking at your site in this respect and checking whether we can improve,
update or improve the previously created content. To this
end, you can bet on:
– interesting combinations (e.g.
data in a table or in the form of diagrams),
– infographics,
– updating statistical data,
– posting the opinions of other
industry experts.
It may also be necessary to verify keywords – phrases popular in the past do not have to be today. It is also worth interfering with internal linking. Why? Because while we often place links to existing entries in new content, we often forget to update existing entries with links to new subpages or blog content.
One way to increase conversions is to update and enrich the content. Many SEO experts have achieved amazing results in this way. Ireneusz Iwański ( increased the conversion rate from 0.54% to 4.82% in one day. An important content update can also be condensing information in one place. Lists with interesting links also attract users and increase conversions. How can this trend be used? If you’re writing an article about featured groups on Facebook, provide links to them. If you create a post about tools for a positioner, put in it links to pages of specific tools.
The Content is King slogan is still alive, but in order for content published on our website to have a positive impact on positioning, you need to spend a lot of time and work. What’s more, user preferences and technologies are constantly changing, and website and blog owners must keep up with them. If we do not have time to create content on our website and update it, as well as regularly enrich or supplement and analyze the results, it is worth focusing on cooperation with an SEO agency. It employs both positioners responsible for technical optimization of the site, as well as content marketing specialists. Thanks to this, the team of experts will not only create valuable materials for the user, but will also update and enrich them as well as analyze their effectiveness. What’s more, by working with a marketing agency, you’ll also get a valuable profile of links that lead to your site. Only in this way – by focusing on comprehensive actions – can you count on the effects of positioning. Because content, although very important, is only one of the elements of SEO strategy.