Striving to occupy the highest possible search results for specific phrases is a real chance to expand the interest in the offer among new users. It is enough to look at the statistics prepared by Team – over 43% of Internet users click on the link in the first place, over 37% of recipients click on the link from the second position, and with each lower position the click-through rate decreases – only 3% of users are interested in the link in the last position.
The user arrives at the website based on individual keywords or entire phrases entered into the search field. Therefore, the choice of phrases is one of the main aspects of SEO. It is with their help that the Internet user determines his needs, counting on precise feedback from Google.
You – as the website owner – must understand the user’s expectations. This will allow you to choose the right keywords – those that can be used by your potential recipient. However, you should not focus only on the main and very general phrases – they are very popular, as a result of which it is difficult to “stand out”, and besides, they usually do not allow you to reach users who are actually interested in the offer. Effect? You may notice an increased number of visits to the website, but the conversion will be low. And yet you care about generating traffic that translates into high sales, right?
Keywords can be divided into several categories:
– brand phrases – related directly to the company or a specific product that the user is looking for, e.g. Rolex watches,
– local phrases – relating to the company, industry, locations, e.g. Miami dentist, dog hairdresser in Las Vegas,
– long tail phrases – not appreciated by everyone yet, but they have great opportunities; are especially recommended for the e-commerce industry, because they allow you to narrow the field of search, e.g. quilted autumn jacket without a hood,
– guide phrases – reflect the queries entered by the user; are recommended primarily in articles published on the blog, e.g. what cosmetic treatments for pregnant women, what book for a gift for a teenager.
Do you know the types of phrases and what’s next? How do you know which of them have high potential and which are completely let go? If you care about effective positioning, you cannot rely solely on your intuition. Public tools can help you choose the right keywords.
Google Keyword Planner
The Google Keyword Planner is one of the most popular phrase selection tools. Although it is ultimately used to plan Google Ads advertising campaigns, it also supports activities related to positioning. With this tool, you can search for phrases with potential, and analyze them, taking into account the frequency of searches or competitiveness.
Answer The Public
It is a tool that allows you to search not only for popular phrases, but also related queries entered into the search engine. Thanks to this, you can reach not only the main keywords, but also the long tail phrases and tip phrases.
You can also search for keywords using paid (more advanced) tools. The keyword database available in them allows you to find specific phrases with high potential. You get not only a list of words, but also information about the average number of monthly searches, trends, and seasonality. There are also phrases in the form of questions, dependent words, and even word groups. Thanks to such extensive functionality, you have a chance to create an appropriate set of keywords.
If you want to perform effective SEO, you need to know the health of your
website. Why? For a website to be
liked by Google robots, it should meet their expectations in terms of many
aspects. These include such issues
– proper construction,
– speed of operation,
– user-friendliness,
– content,
– correct link profile.
An SEO audit is an introduction to positioning that will allow you to create a specific action plan that increases the likelihood of being in the top positions in search results.
There are several necessary elements that should form the basis of the audit. These include information on:
– website construction,
– site speed,
– indexing options by Google robots,
– the correctness of the website code,
– content analysis – also in terms of duplicates,
– competition analysis,
– keyword analysis,
– link profile.
A properly conducted website audit and the implementation of the changes recommended by it will help to increase:
– site visibility,
– movement within it,
– sales potential.
This means that you will get even more benefits from it than just positioning support. There is only one condition – it must be carried out reliably, preferably by industry experts. Specialists know what elements should be especially paid attention to in order to get as close to the operation of Google algorithms as possible.
The results of the audit are an excellent and huge source of knowledge about the condition of the website and how to position the website. They are the starting point for further activities – first of all within the site itself. Here are some important aspects.
Correct internal navigation
The website must be friendly to both users and Google robots. An important role here is played by e.g. appropriate internal navigation – so that every visitor can easily reach the right place.
As part of the positioning activities, all activities aimed at improving internal navigation should therefore be carried out. This is what reflects the correct website architecture.
The most important element is the website menu with the most important main tabs. They should direct to individual subpages – categories, and they, in turn – to subcategories, etc.
If you want to check if the website architecture is correct, check it using the so-called 3-click rule. This means that a user wishing to reach the selected place should only make 3 mouse clicks. Of course, this rule will not apply to very complex websites or e-shops. However, it is worth thinking about building such an architecture that will require the least number of clicks from the Internet user.
Correctness of URLs
As part of the activities related to positioning, it is worth checking and – if necessary – modifying the URLs. Changes must be made with Google in mind, so they should be easy to remember, clear to navigate, readable, containing keywords, as short as possible.
Creation of correct metadata
The right meta title and description structure will help generate more traffic on the website. Therefore, it is worth remembering not only to supplement these elements, but also to ensure their correctness – not only in the context of placing the appropriate keywords.
Title should be between 60-70 characters. Make sure it responds to the question you are asking, while attracting attention and encouraging you to click.
The description length changes from time to time, so it’s best to stick to around 160 characters. The description should confirm the accuracy of the meta title – it should be constructed in such a way that it includes a CTA.
Content optimization
The content posted on the website plays a huge role, so it should be properly optimized. The basis is to supplement the content with selected keywords – but with naturalness. The text must be saturated with phrases, but in such a way that it is still easy to read.
The next step is to remove duplicate content – all that already appear in search results on other websites. Duplicate content is one of the elements that can significantly lower the position of a site in search results.
Remember that the content is not only texts, but also graphics. And it should be optimized – described with the ALT and title attribute. Also pay attention to the size of the photos – if they are too large, they will slow down the page loading speed.
Improving page loading speed
Internet users do not like to wait, so they immediately abandon slow-loading pages. If you do not want such a fate to befall your site, take care of the optimal page loading speed. You will not only score in the eyes of users, but also Google. The time in which the website content is loaded not only affects the higher position in the search results, but also … higher conversion.
If the audit indicated the need to improve the page loading speed, this should be changed. For this purpose, you can, for example, reduce server consumption, optimize images, remove unnecessary elements on the page, update themes and plugins, reduce the number of redirects.
Expanding the website content
Adding more subpages filled with content is a chance to naturally weave keywords and carry out internal linking. So think about expanding your site with new subcategories, and start a blog (if you don’t have one).
If you want to strengthen the position of a website in search results, you cannot focus solely on activities within the website. You have to “go outside” – in order to improve your authority, strengthen your image on the web and… build a natural link profile of the website.
Unify corporate data
If your company details are published on different business card pages, check that they are correct. Keep it up-to-date to help build greater trust and improve credibility.
Completing online business cards
It is worth getting to know the users – it is enough to fill in the information in the online business cards. The necessity is, among others presence in Google My Business. A free profile helps you connect with customers in both search and Google Maps.
You should also make sure that existing customers leave feedback about your company. The more positive, the greater the trust. This will directly help in increasing the traffic to the website, and this in turn will aid positioning.
Publishing expert articles on industry portals
The image of an expert helps to rise to higher positions in search results, so it is worth ensuring the publication of articles on industry websites. However, these cannot be typical advertising texts, and articles with added value for the reader – it is about dispelling doubts, presenting new opportunities, etc.
Publishing sponsored articles
Sponsored articles are content published for a fee. This does not mean that they can constitute intrusive advertising and presentation of own services / products. If they are to attract the reader’s attention and encourage him to visit the website, they should provide a solution to a given problem, etc. How-to articles that present specific knowledge and clear tips useful to the user are great for this role.
Remember! The website for publication should be selected in terms of your target group. If you only operate locally, then focus on such portals.
How to position your website without worrying about tomorrow? If you intend to improve the website’s position in the search results and you want to stay at the top of the search results for a long time, do not resort to unethical practices. Act in accordance with Google’s guidelines, because only this will bring the expected results. Build pages with people in mind, not just results.
Follow the White Hat SEO principles, which include aspects such as:
– adapting the website to the needs of recipients,
– improving user experience (so-called User Experience),
– constant expansion of content,
– obtaining external links in a natural or non-invasive way.
Remember! Currently, what matters to Google is the well-being of the user. Therefore, in all activities related to positioning, bear in mind your target group. Thanks to this, you will increase the chance of higher positions in search results and minimize the risk of applying filters to your website.
Are you wondering how to position your website: on your own or with the agency’s support? There is no one-size-fits-all answer because it all depends on several factors. The most important thing is the current knowledge and experience – you need to know what actions to take in order to gain higher and higher positions in search results step by step.
A common mistake are attempts at self positioning by people who do not have much knowledge. Just “touching” the topic does not help much – because working out high positions in Google is not only about supplementing the content with keywords. The whole process is multi-stage and long-term – taking into account the changing Google algorithms.
Of course, a lot also depends on which agency you are going to cooperate with. In this case, you cannot be guided solely by the price. Consider, among others such issues as: knowledge, experience, the effects of campaigns implemented so far, opinions of other companies, and even provisions in contracts.
]]>Creating an online store is extremely hard work – even if you limit yourself to running it in a dropshipping model. However, despite everything, even the best designed and made online store will not become visible to search engines or recognizable among customers overnight. You need advertising for this to happen. There are no shortcuts here. It is worth emphasizing immediately that the effects of e-shop promotion are best visible in the long term and you often need to be patient. But this patience pays off – especially if the campaign is conducted in a thoughtful and consistent manner.
Are you wondering how to approach the topic of online store advertising? First of all: before you act, plan what you will do. Especially that in the virtual world there is a lot of tools waiting for you that can be used to advertise an online store. However, if you rashly invest in advertising, without first specifying the basics, you may find that instead of gaining … you will only lose the funds spent on the campaign.
How to avoid it? Specify precisely the assumptions of the campaign before proceeding to the selection of channels through which the promotion will be conducted, as well as the content of messages that are to “go out into the world”.
A. What is the target group of your customers?
Who are you addressing your offer to? Are they recipients in a specific age range? A specific gender? With specific interests and lifestyle? Or maybe you want to reach a very wide group of customers? The more precisely you define your target, the easier it will be for you to plan communication and the better you will invest your funds. For this purpose:
– create personas representing the target audience of your products – give
them symbolic names and surnames, specify their approximate age, needs, interests,
expectations and possible objections, and even add sample photos,
– think about how the products you want to sell
are supposed to solve their everyday problems,
– think what type of communication style will be
appropriate in the advertisement – is it more “official” and neutral,
or maybe “laid back” and bold?
B. brand DNA
Do you know what and to whom you want to sell? You still need to define what image your brand will have. What associations should the recipient build? What is it supposed to be associated with? With prestige? Or maybe with low prices and fast delivery? With high-quality products? Or maybe with “exotic” goods unavailable in USA in a stationary way? This will translate into both the manner of advertising and selected communication channels.
C. Objectives of the advertising campaign
What will be the aim of the conducted promotional campaign? If you are just starting your business in the e-commerce industry, first of all, you need to make potential customers aware that you exist on the market, and in the next step to build their trust. Only then will the campaign move towards promoting specific products and lead directly to the conversion. Most often you have to go through all these stages in order to gradually start to expand your portfolio of clients – not the one-time ones, but those who will come back again and again and recommend your services to friends.
So start by identifying a key campaign premise. Once that’s done, it’s time to define your specific goals. This can be, for example, an increase in traffic on the store’s website, obtaining sales leads, or strengthening the sale of a specific product. What course of action you choose will depend on what tools and channels will be used during the campaign.
D. Budget
How much money can you spend on an advertising campaign? Remember: it is not worth limiting expenses for promotion, because it is … very apparent savings. Why? Take a moment to consider where are you buying? In stores whose offers are readily available and visible in the palm of your hand, right? This visibility will not build itself! If you don’t tell the world about your store, nobody will hear about it and find it.
Nevertheless, there is no such thing as an unlimited advertising budget. It is worth knowing in advance how much money can be invested in the implementation of a specific campaign.
Do you already know why you will advertise your e-shop, who do you want to contact and for how much? Now it’s time to choose the tools with which you will conduct the campaign. The decision is not easy at all because – as we mentioned – the number of options is really solid. Important hint: you don’t need to use all the available options during one campaign. Choose those that will match the assumptions of the promotional campaign or choose those that, with a limited budget, can potentially turn out to be the most sensible.
How? For example, a very large online store, which cares about huge ranges, may think about advertising using ATL channels, e.g. press, radio, and even television. However, this is a solution primarily for the largest players on the e-commerce market. Those who operate on a slightly narrower scale will focus on promotion mainly on the Internet.
So where to promote? The basic rule that is always worth having “at the back of your head” is: be where your customers are. Where? Here is an overview of the tools that are good to consider.
The advertising system provided by the Mountain View giant is the absolute basis of Internet advertising. Why? Simply put: because we all use Google, and the platform offers extremely wide opportunities to promote ourselves. What more can you reach for?
Sponsored Links
Where are the recipients looking for the products they want to buy? They very often start their hunt by entering a search term into the Google search engine, and then… they click on the first search results. However, sponsored links appear above them. The presence of your store in this section will increase the chances that its offer will be checked in the first place. Customers rarely distinguish an ad from organic results, and even so, these ads are very well targeted, and advertisers want the person who clicked on them to make a purchase. If the ad is set wrong, they will just blow your budget.
Google Shopping
In recent years, Google has improved its advertising tools and today one of the most interesting proposals for e-commerce is a “carousel” of products displayed in the search results – with photos and product prices. Such a mini catalog with promoted stores’ offers increases the probability that the recipient will click on your ad and then make a purchase!
Outdoor advertising
Google Ads is also advertisements displayed on various external portals – in the form of banners. This format, discredited some time ago, if only due to the fact that many internet users blocked banner ads, is now back in favor. For two reasons. First of all, more and more websites are introducing technological solutions to prevent ad blocking or asking their users to display them (it works!). Second, remarketing ads are widely used and are much more effective. What’s the thing? In remarketing campaigns, the recipient on the banners sees personalized ads that show, for example, the products he has previously viewed. Such constant reminders can be very persuasive!
Google Ads tools – as long as the campaign is run by a specialist with appropriate qualifications – can bring very good short-term and long-term results. Although the configuration of the campaign is seemingly very simple, in fact, specialists should watch over its course – they will make sure that every dollar invested in the promotion earns itself and brings the expected ROI. In the case of, campaign optimization is entrusted not only to a specialist, but also to our self-learning algorithms that introduce even thousands of changes a day. This campaign optimization ensures that you invest resources in the time and place most appropriate for it.
If e-commerce advertising on social media is of course Facebook first. The portal founded by Mark Zuckerberg has today become a source of information, entertainment and inspiration. That is why it is worth being here and promoting your e-shop. How?
First, use the full potential of free solutions. So, first of all, run a fanpage of your e-shop. Regular, engaging posts will allow you to build a specific audience that will grow over time.
But that’s not all. On Facebook, you can use a wide variety of advertising
tools. There are, among others:
– post promotion – so that they are displayed in
the news feed of people from your target group,
– classic banner advertising,
– advertising in the form of a carousel of
products – redirecting directly to the e-store,
– video advertisement, displayed during the
presentation of film materials on the portal.
It is mainly these tools that the online store will use. Like Google, Facebook also allows you to set the purpose of the campaign and conveniently configure other details. It’s also easy to track the results your message is getting. Regular monitoring of the results allows you to implement any corrections in the campaign or draw conclusions for the future. Depending on the industry, remarketing on Facebook can also turn out to be very effective and it is worth to complement the activities carried out with Google Ads at least in the basic scope.
Remember that advertising an e-shop on social media is not necessarily just Facebook. Depending on the profile of your business, you can also reach your potential customers, e.g. on Instagram (especially in lifestyle industries), and even on LinkedIn (especially if you sell products intended more for business customers). Where is the best place to advertise an online store using social media? This question will be answered by e.g. an internet marketing specialist.
Is YouTube a good promotion channel for an online store? In many cases, yes. And how to promote yourself in this medium? One of the options is to publish video ads that will be displayed during videos watched by users. However, it should be remembered that here you need to focus on short, several-second messages – especially since visitors to the portal most often “click” ads whenever possible.
But that’s not all. An increasingly common solution used by online stores
is the so-called influencer marketing.
In a nutshell, it is about starting cooperation with the creator running a
popular YouTube channel and placing the store’s brand in its material. For
example, online stores with cosmetics operate in this model. Collaboration can
take many forms. An influencer can:
– mention in the material about the current
promotion in a given e-store,
– recommend purchases on the site,
– offer your recipients a special discount code
obtained in the affiliate
– link products used in the published video and
available on the e-shop website.
A skilfully and unobtrusive campaign can result in a quick and significant increase in traffic in the e-store. However, it should be remembered that in order for such effects to last long-term, cooperation with influencers should be repeated regularly.
Another option offered by YouTube is … running a video channel through the store itself. What could happen to him? In the case of an e-shop, specific industry guides will work best. Valuable films will reach a wider audience, thanks to which they will work in the field of image and sales.
Are the places where it is best to promote the online store the only channels you can use? No! There is also a whole range of inbound marketing and PR tools that are worth paying attention to. One thing is certain: the campaign strategy should be developed and implemented wisely, preferably under the supervision of specialists. Then it takes place in an orderly, not chaotic manner, and above all – translates into the desired conversion.
We left the positioning of online stores for the very end. In the long term, it is usually the cheapest method of acquiring new customers. However, among all forms of advertising, it is also the most “investment” nature. By investing funds today, you can feel it only in 3 or e.g. 6 months. Therefore – even though most people do not set up stores to operate, for example, only for a year – most of them decide to position themselves only after some time. It cannot be clearly stated that this is a mistake. Every investor wants to achieve returns as quickly as possible and can do it with e.g. Google Ads. However, if at the beginning you have a slightly larger budget for advertising, then it is definitely worth conducting your marketing in two ways and in addition to what is “now”, think about what “later”. The sense of investment in positioning – in relation to your budget and needs, will also help you determine the specialist – in this case, the positioner.
]]>Campaigns aimed at generating potential customers is one of the increasingly popular advertising targets in social networks. Standard forms on the website in many cases turn out to be much more expensive than lead gen campaigns. The main reason why people choose contacts from social media platforms is the ease of filling them out. Automatically collected data made available on websites shorten the time of filling in forms, which makes them more pleasant and easier to receive.
However, campaigns with this goal are not without flaws. By keeping clicking to a minimum, in many cases the quality of the leads obtained significantly decreases.
Do you operate in the B2B industry and are you looking for new customers on Facebook? Anyone “own boss” and the nobility who do not work can also become one, and you will pay for it in the Advertising Manager. This is where LinkedIn comes in handy – a clear leader among lead generators.
If you use other advertising channels and start your adventure with advertising on LinkedIn, it may turn out that the budget you set is too small to effectively carry out your first campaign. The minimum daily budget that can be set for one campaign is $ 10.
Of course, you might find your first choice of target, audience, and placement a bull’s eye, but you will need to increase your budget to test other options and setups. Even though the advertising efforts on LinkedIn require a larger investment to start with, you’ll quickly find out that this is probably the best platform for generating leads for you.
If it is relatively difficult to find the contact form on your website or the website is easy to use, it does not allow you to add additional functions, for example, to download materials by the interested person, or you simply want to shorten the customer path and without having to do it after clicking on the advertisement on the website website, you want him to download a given material or contact you – this ad in the form of a lead generation form is for you.
Forms on Linkedin allow you to get the most important contact information of potentially interested people in our product or service. They can also be used in campaigns with a more educational purpose, in which we offer something in return for each contact, e.g. a guide, newsletter, report or catalog, etc.
What data can we collect via the Linkedin lead generation form?
There are many possibilities. Starting from personal data, to company contact details, and non-standard questions aimed at collecting specific information about subscribers and their classification in the lead collecting system.
The form also gives us the opportunity to select the necessary conditions to submit the form (e.g. acceptance of the regulations or privacy policy).
Nevertheless, when creating a form, it is always worth bearing in mind good practices taking into account UX, i.e. limit the mandatory fields to be completed to a maximum of 3. The great advantage of Linkedin forms is their automatic filling, thanks to which the user interested in the material can easily and quickly receive interesting content, without having to fill in the fields yourself. Of course, some fields can be reserved as necessary to be entered or unchecked by the user and thus pre-verify the quality of leads and their level of interest in a given material.
As with any LinkedIn Ads campaign, you start by choosing the goal that best describes what you need. Your goal is to get new leads, which means that you choose the ‘Lead Generation’ target in the conversion group. To run a Lead Generation Campaign, you need to associate your Advertising Account with a LinkedIn Company Page.
The process of creating a campaign is no different from other goals. We start, of course, by identifying the audience. Despite the much smaller possibilities of targeting audiences than in the Facebook Ads Manager, it is much more likely that you can reach a specific target group that is actually built mostly of the audience the advertiser is looking for.
The ad formats available for creating a customer acquisition campaign are the standard single photo, carousel, video ad, and two types of campaigns with ad placement in audience inboxes. Which format you choose is entirely up to you, there are no suggested formats that work best for your industry. For this reason, it is so important to test different ad placements. Some LinkedIn ad campaigns will perform much better than a mostly text-based Sponsored Message campaign with an attention-grabbing banner, and vice versa.
The next step is to prepare the ad creative and set the detailed content of the ad, which, depending on the format you choose, has different options to complete and select. However, all goals are united by creating a leads form.
The form has standard settings and content to be completed. It is very important to have the content of the validation policy on the same domain as the page. You can choose from many data options that you need to obtain from potential clients. Creating the form ends with a confirmation window for sending contact details with a thank you.
Due to the pandemic at the turn of February and March, many companies were forced to introduce radical changes in their activities, for some of them a new path was opened to reach their recipients. One of our clients dynamically used the current situation and predicted that cooperation in the field of advertising activities on the LinkedIn platform may bring tangible benefits. The main goal of our client was to reach the departments of specialists and HR leaders in order to promote the webinar on best practices in the coming period. We took a campaign to the fore with the goal of generating leads in the form of sponsored messages that go straight to your LinkedIn inboxes.
In the first week, the campaign started with great intensity and it was possible to acquire the assumed number of potential customers very quickly. By the end of the first month, the initial cost of acquiring a client had dropped by 18%. Ultimately, after 3 months of advertising activities, the campaign was completed with a cost-per-result 22% lower than in the initial period.
We were also positively surprised by the CTR (Sponsored Message Openings Rate) of over 70% during the entire campaign. The key here was the first “meeting” of the recipient with the ad in their inbox, which is influenced by the appropriate headline of the ad.
First of all, we tried not to attack potential customers with another advertisement, but to encourage them to read the entire message in a friendly way.
One of the first tests we did in the campaign was based on bid changes. LinkedIn suggests the suggested bid value at the level of creating a campaign group. This value is influenced by your chosen goals, placements, and audience selection. The starting bid of $ 0.15 turned out to be much worse than our optimization bid, which was $ 0.30, which we eventually held for most of the campaign.
The client obtained support from us also at the level of advertising texts. The goal was to encourage LinkedIn users to leave personal information in exchange for invaluable knowledge and guidance. The client shared his experience in his industry with us, after all, he knows his potential recipients best, and based on the knowledge obtained from many other campaigns, we added the best strategies that we learn through testing in campaigns. Thus, several versions of messages reaching the recipients were created, which we analyzed and finally chose those whose results were in the lead.
In the meantime, we conducted a few more advertising campaigns for this client, which, thanks to the correlation, had a positive impact not only on building brand awareness, but also on a noticeable gradual reduction in costs for results.
We know from our own experience that the costs of running advertising campaigns on LinkedIn can initially be a deterrent. If you operate in the B2B industry, however, you should know that it is currently the best platform for acquiring valuable customers. However, the lead-generating campaign is the final stage of the sales funnel and it is worth supporting these activities through advertisements building brand awareness, as well as through other advertising channels.
Of course, we make a reservation that not every type of business is suitable for advertising on Linkedin. It is worth conducting a preliminary analysis to check whether our clients are on Linkedin and whether they spend their time there looking for content / services or products that our company offers. It often happens that our clients are really there, so we start the campaign, but after a given period of time, we notice that the campaign does not achieve the intended results. This is often caused by the lack of a preliminary analysis of the Purpose for which our target group uses Linkedin. It may turn out that he is looking for more business solutions here, and he leaves lifestyle options for Facebook, Instagram or simply uses the Google search engine.
]]>The Internet is the most promising sales channel – there is no doubt about it. Regardless of the field in which you operate, the ability to reach the customer without locations restrictions gives you a huge competitive advantage. It is worth using it – especially since setting up an e-shop today is simpler than a few years ago.
But be careful! If you think it will become like the snap of a finger… well. It’s not that good. To move from idea to implementation and then successfully build your market position, you need to know how to do it step by step. So see what you need to open a well-functioning online store.
Before getting into the technical details of your own e-shop, you need to go through some basic business tasks. They are the foundation of your investment. Remember: when setting up an e-shop, you invest in the long term. Therefore, you have to be prepared that the development of your business will not happen from month to month, and you will have to wait for the results.
So the question is: how to start? It depends on several factors. Consider: should an online store be a way to develop a stationary business or is it the first step you take on the market? If you already deal with the production and distribution of certain goods via stationary channels, you probably already have appropriate mechanisms developed, including with transport and storage of products, as well as marketing facilities. You already have a customer base and you know who your solutions are addressed to.
However, if you start completely from scratch – the first step is to find an industry. Start with in-depth research. Check what is the economic situation at the moment and consider in what area you are an expert or you can quickly become one. There are two approaches to this topic: either targeting a niche or building an exclusive brand, or vice versa – relying on proven and common material goods.
Also, remember that you have to decide whether you will sell goods under your logo (e.g. by cooperating with the manufacturer to create your own brand) or redistribute it.
It is equally important to ensure a suitable place for running an e-shop. While at the beginning, with small orders, you can manage by storing products, e.g. in a home garage, over time you will need professional storage space.
You can also decide to work in the dropshipping model, which means that you will work with the supplier of products, and you will only deal with the entire sales process until the order is finalized. This solution is good for completely novice entrepreneurs, but of course it also has its downsides, such as limited impact on the shipping process or checking the quality of products.
So, as you can see, if you are a complete beginner, you need to start by
developing the business foundation. When they are ready
and you know:
– What do you sell,
– to whom your products should go,
– what are your “processing
– what budget do you have to start
you can start setting up an online store from the technical side.
If you already run a stationary business and have developed a brand recognizable by customers, the best solution is to promote it also as part of e-commerce activities. Remember, however, that if your market niche is highly competitive, an expressive, easy-to-associate brand may be one of the factors that will affect your business success. So developing a good branding strategy right from the start is the best you can do. Changing the name later can be time-consuming, costly and, above all, risky.
How to create a good brand?
Before you start:
– precisely define the group of customers to which
your products will go – assess their needs, expectations, problems, challenges,
– indicate the key values with
which your store (and products) is to be associated – which will be more
important: prestige and very high quality of products, or maybe their designer
Once you know how you want to communicate with the market, you can go to the next step: choose the brand name and its visual identification system.
Especially in the latter aspect, it is worth using the help of professional graphic designers and web designers – they can perform this order on their own or as part of cooperation in designing the e-store layout. It all depends on how you want to “put it up”.
At this stage – when you develop a store brand – it is also worth buying a
website domain. Remember that you have at your disposal
not only com domains, but also .eu or, but also many unusual ones.
Nevertheless – these 3 mentioned just now give you more
credibility. If you have the option, choosing a domain:
– buy a few “endings” of
the address at once – you can then redirect them to the correct store (yours!),
– avoid dashes and other elements
in the domain name that may make it difficult for the user to enter the address
“by finger”,
– remember that the domain name
itself has no impact on positioning
– it should be easy to remember and of course be associated with a given
At this stage, a very important decision awaits you – which technology will be used in your e-shop. You can go several ways.
A. Commissioning experts to develop your store “from scratch” – it is the safest solution, which at the same time can be fully adjusted to your business needs. However, you must remember that the costs of creating a dedicated platform can be high (and unnecessary), and the time to prepare the website can be very long. That is why this solution is chosen by investors who can afford a one-off spend from several dozen or even several hundred thousand dollars.
B. Take advantage of the e-commerce platform.
When choosing an online store platform, be guided primarily by how large-scale you plan to operate – also in the perspective of many years. Also consider your budget.
When it comes to e-commerce platforms, you have two basic types of services: subscription platforms and open source platforms. How are they different?
Open Source Platforms
This is software that you must install on your own
server. They are suitable for people who care about high
independence, the ability to adjust the e-store to specific expectations, and
above all for medium and large-scale stores. Running them
may require previous e-commerce experience or technical support (especially at
the beginning).
Usually the platform itself is available for download free of charge, but its operation and extension of the store’s functionality may require investment in paid plugins. It must also be remembered that it will be necessary to implement it on the server and integrate the selected graphic layout with it (own or selected from the available ready-made templates).
Open-source platforms:
– provide the possibility of a very
wide “customization”,
– they are friendly for the
positioning of online stores,
– they have enormous technical
support – especially the users themselves, who are constantly developing this
When you choose one of them, you will experience additional costs of implementation, hosting, administration, as well as challenges related to adapting the platform to legal requirements (including developing store regulations).
If you choose an open source
platform, you will also need to purchase hosting at this
stage. The hosting server should:
– be well secured – so that it is
not vulnerable to attacks, and that your clients’ data is safe,
– be adapted to the requirements of
the e-commerce platform that you have chosen,
– provide you with sufficiently
fast data transfer.
You can choose from shared, inexpensive and suitable for small stores, and dedicated servers – more expensive, but also easier to configure individually. They are suitable for larger and more advanced e-shops.
When choosing an open source platform, you also have a greater impact on the appearance of your e-store. So you can implement it on a template prepared by a computer graphic – so that it fits best into your brand’s visual identity system. You can also take a look at the ready-made templates that are already available.
Subscription platforms (SaaS)
Subscription platforms usually operate in the SaaS model, i.e. Software as a Service. This includes such platforms as Shoper, Shopify or Shoplo. On them you get access to the software in the form of an accessible panel – and this is what your e-shop is based on. In their case, there is no need to “upload” the store to your own server – you use a ready-made system. Fees for using the platform in the SaaS model are charged in the form of a subscription – e.g. monthly or annual, and you, depending on your needs, can choose a specific scope of services and possibilities offered by the website. The costs of such a solution range from several hundred to several thousand dollars per year.
Who are the subscription platforms for? Primarily for beginners who want to run a small-scale online store, especially in the dropshipping model. The use of this solution is the simplest, but it poses many limitations – related to e.g. with limited functionality or the need to choose one of the ready-made graphic templates. Some SaaS platforms are also not perfect in terms of positioning online stores and are burdened with various barriers.
If you are in doubt as to which e-commerce platform to choose, get advice from experts. Analyze your business model with them so as not to make a mistake. Changing the platform later can be costly and time consuming.
Note: Your online store should be responsive. This means that it should be displayed in a fully functional way on various devices – both on computers as well as on tablets and smartphoness. Sales via mobiles channels are also growing very dynamically, so you cannot afford to lose customers from this source!
Although this is not a necessary requirement, it is worth considering integrating the online store software with the one that controls warehouse resources. Why? The reason is very simple: if it turns out that a customer orders a product that you do not have in stock, you will face trouble. This single situation can happen. However, if such problems become widespread, you will quickly lose your reputation, and with it – your customers.
That is why the best solution is to use the option of integrating the online store with the ERP system. The immediate flow of information will eliminate the possibility of a mistake and make your task easier.
In order for customers to be willing to shop in your e-shop, you need to give them the ability to conveniently pay for goods. Of course, a standard bank transfer is not enough. That is why you must decide on a convenient, yet safe and easy-to-use payment method. There are many trading platforms to choose from. When choosing, consider both available payment methods, as well as commissions and other fees, and flexibility in accessing funds.
This is a matter that you need to take care of primarily in the model in which you handle the shipping of goods yourself. If you have decided to dropshipping, your contractor has probably specified the shipping methods.
However, if not, make sure your customers receive convenient forms of receiving products – apart from courier services, pay attention to the increasingly popular options for delivering goods to points, e.g. shops or parcel machines. On the other hand, however, remember that the more options there are for a customer, the greater the logistical challenge. Therefore, it is worth keeping the golden mean.
Many e-commerce platforms allow integration with wholesalers and automatic updating of product data. However, if you sell your own assortment, you have to describe it “by hand” in the store. When adding products to ready-made subpage templates, it is worth taking care of two key issues: on the one hand, the attractiveness of the presentation of the product range for the client, and on the other – the fulfillment of SEO requirements.
Therefore, both a good and unique description as well as attractive product photos count. If you sell an assortment of other manufacturers, you can usually get ready-made materials. If you distribute your own products, have professional product photos taken.
In the content area, make
sure that:
– were written in the language of benefits – so
that they presented not only the advantages of the products, but their
translation into the customer’s needs,
– were written in a style adapted
to the characteristics of the potential client,
– are in line with SEO requirements
– care should be taken, inter alia, o the use of
appropriate keywords, headings and bullets. You should
also take care of entering metadata and generating friendly URLs.
Once your store is up and running and you start serving customers, it’s time to increase its visibility to customers, and thus – its popularity. In order to promote your e-store, you can take a number of activities – from paid links, PPC advertising, through social media activities, to positioning your online store and using inbound marketing tools.
It is also good to think about a blog in an online store, which will strengthen the potential of positioning and the image of the website. As you can see, the recipe for setting up your own online store is a methodical step-by-step operation based on a well-thought-out strategy. This is the best way to achieve long-term business success.
]]>KPI is one of the “fashionable” words in the business world. But this fashion is not unfounded at all. On the contrary! If you want to grow and make sure the actions you are taking are going in the right direction, you need to have tools to assess the state of affairs. This is what – in the broadest sense – KPIs are.
KPI stands for Key Performance Indicators. They can be defined as data that allows you to precisely determine whether the actions taken are getting closer to achieving a specific goal.
This definition is general for a reason. There is no single set of KPIs that can be used in all situations. After all, other factors are important in direct sales, and different in the implementation of a campaign on Facebook or using sponsored links.
However, there are several elements that all KPIs have in common.
must be measurable. Therefore, quantitative indicators are used. Thanks to
this, it is possible to create their summaries and observe trends – so that it
is easier to make decisions.
B. They
must relate to the previously set specific goals of the activity. So that they
indicate whether the chosen course of action is correct.
C. They
must be clear, transparent and objective – so that a specific value can be
given at any time.
D. They
cannot conflict with each other – and this means that the key campaign
effectiveness indicators for you cannot be at the same time, for example, low
budget for all promotional activities and high ranges thanks to paid promotion.
KPIs can be used in various aspects of the company’s operations. They are used, for example, in the production process, especially in systems based on lean management or in the area of HRM. However, KPIs are most often referred to in the context of marketing and sales.
Effectiveness indicators are needed not only to measure the effectiveness of the actions taken. KPIs set above all the “gold standard” that should be pursued. So there are:
– a clear indication for the team carrying out a given task, what results
are expected from it,
– an element of feedback that will allow you to
efficiently introduce modifications to activities, if necessary,
– a way to clearly define the costs of campaigns
and customer acquisition (and thus – profitability of marketing activities),
– a method of expressly detecting possible errors
or shortcomings that weaken the results of marketers’ work,
– a tool that allows you to forecast further
progress and results, and as a result prepare a promotion strategy for many
months ahead.
In addition, without KPIs, it would be difficult for you to assess the effectiveness of the work of specialists you entrusted with, for example, the implementation of SEO or SEM campaigns. Without hard data, you can’t pinpoint what worked and what didn’t.
The list of indicators that could be taken into account when assessing the effectiveness of marketing activities is very long.
Imagine that you have to evalsuate the effectiveness of a marketing campaign, and not 5 or 10 in front of you, but 40 spreadsheets, tables or charts. Yes, it would give you the power of information, but it would be extremely time-consuming to analyze and the results would in many cases come down to the same conclusions.
Therefore, specific KPIs should be selected – those that are most relevant to the specifics of the campaign. But the question is: how? Here are a few rules to follow.
Do not choose more than a
dozen KPIs
20 is the absolute maximum that you can use if you
implement the campaign on a very large scale. In the case of these more intimate
4-10 indicators, it is enough to get in-depth data on the one hand, and on the
other – avoid overloading with them.
Before selecting KPIs, be
clear about the goals of your actions
This is a key determinant of which data you will need. For example, when implementing
a social media campaign aimed at acquiring leads, the key KPIs will be related
to how many people left the leads and what percentage of all visitors to the
profile were. However, this data will be less important if the main goal of the
activities was to “start” the fan page or persuade customers to buy a
specific product.
Choose multistage indicators
At the beginning of work with KPIs – especially
when there is no access to historical data – it may be difficult for you to
determine which indicators will be the most valuable for measuring the effects
of activities and planning subsequent ones. Therefore, you can start with a
slightly wider range of KPIs and narrow it down over time to those that
actually convey the necessary information. Test, check, observe and analyze –
so as to possibly modify the set of indicators that determine your
Choose indicators that show
both efficiency and lack of it
Remember that the purpose of introducing them is to monitor the progress of
activities and whether the money invested in marketing pays off. Therefore, it
is worth choosing KPIs so that they show both positive and negative effects.
Don’t trust standardized
This is important especially if you cooperate with
an external digital agency that carries out a campaign for you. Make sure that
the set of KPIs will be personalized and adapted to the specificity of the
tasks that the experts will face.
Keeping in mind these few elements, you can be sure that the data obtained thanks to KPI will allow you to make the right decisions – with the current situation and the future in mind.
Now that you know the general principles of selecting indicators and you do not have to ask what a KPI is, it is time to move on to details related to the area of marketing, and more specifically – internet marketing. This is the zone that interests us the most. This is because it is specific. On the Web:
– it is very easy to collect quantitative data on the course of any
promotional campaigns,
– a number of factors are important, including
with building interest, commitment or triggering interaction,
– data is provided on an ongoing basis, thanks to
which it is possible to efficiently correct the actions taken.
So it’s time to take a look at these KPIs that are crucial in e-marketing. Here, however, a small star should be put: different KPIs will be important for the website, different for social media campaigns, and still different for the implementation of the Google Ads campaign. That is why we have divided their description into several sections.
Do you want to check what response your website evokes and whether it is an effective marketing and sales tool? This is particularly important in the case of e-stores, but also company websites, which are one of the basic sources of information about each brand.
In the case of websites and
e-commerce, the key will be:
– KPIs related to website traffic.
It is about elements such
– the number of unique users visiting the website – given on a daily,
weekly, monthly and annual basis,
– the number of page views – information on how
many times the recipients visited the website,
– average visit time – the longer, the greater the
involvement in the information contained on the website indicates
– the so-called Bounce Rate – the percentage of
visitors who stopped browsing the website in the first seconds after going to
the website. The higher the Bounce
Rate, the clearer the message that the website can be, for example,
positioned for wrong key phrases or that the website layout needs to be
– traffic sources – it is assessed whether they
are organic (and therefore come from regular searches) or paid for. Analytical
tools also record from which websites the user was redirected to the website,
which allows, for example, to decide on promotion channels,
– indicators related to user behavior and
In this context, the
following works:
– duration of a single session on the website,
– number of visited subpages (and what subpages
they were),
– the number of interactions per visit – e.g.
clicks for more information, go to additional subpages, leaving a lead, etc.
In e-commerce websites and those focused on acquiring leads, the conversion rate is also important, indicating how many people took the action expected by the creators of the website, i.e. left an email or made a purchase.
The indicators listed above are easy to determine. But it doesn’t stop
there. Marketers also pay attention to the proportions between certain values.
Their attention in the context of the assessment of the effectiveness of the
project may be attracted by the relationship between:
– the number of visits and the number of
interactions / conversions,
– the number of leads and the number of customers,
– visits from organic sources compared to those
that are paid.
Other KPIs will be important when you decide to pay for promotion on the
Internet, e.g. using the Google Ads system. In this case, the most important
things will be:
– number of ad views – indicates how many times
the message (e.g. banner or sponsored link) has been successfully displayed to
the recipient, important when assessing the daily, but also weekly or monthly
results of the campaign,
– CTR (click-through rate) – the number of clicks
on the ad, and thus the interactions with it. The higher it is, the more
effective the CTA message is to convey promotional content,
– conversion rate – crucial especially if the ad
leads on a landing page designed to generate sales leads. The higher the
conversion rate, the more engaging your campaign is,
– conversion cost of one person – this is a
proportional calculation of how much it cost you to acquire one sales lead. The
lower the better
– “Quality Score”, i.e. an indicator of
content quality and trust in it – is related to the quality of content, e.g. on
your landing page or website. The more substantive content, the more you will
gain from organic promotion on the Web.
Communication on Facebook
or other social media also requires specific KPIs. In this case, the following
are, for example:
– the ratio of the amount of published content to
conversion – marketers observe how the number of posted posts and other
materials translates into audience engagement in order to correct the current
campaign and plan the next campaign without errors,
– number of interactions – understood, for
example, as “liking” a post, sharing it or writing a comment. The
higher the interaction rate, the higher the effectiveness of the campaign,
– organic and paid ranges – the former result
mainly from a large number of interactions with the post and its frequent
sharing. The better the organic results, the more positive this message is for
a promoting company,
– the number of customers involved in contact with
the brand – i.e. those who, for example, liked the fan page or turned on
notifications regarding its content.
Still other KPIs will be important when running an email campaign. This is an underestimated, but very effective way of promoting online at a low cost. Although conversion rates are relatively low here, as long as the message reaches a well-targeted client and is skillfully prepared, it can bring specific results.
In the case of mailing,
effectiveness is measured using parameters such as:
– Open Rate – the number of recipients who opened
the sent message at all. If it is small, it is a clear sign that you need to
change, for example, the wording of the message titles or make it more attractive
in some way;
– CTR – in this context, the number of people who
clicked on the link contained in the e-mail is important,
– Subscription Rate – an indicator informing about
the number of new users subscribing to the newsletter;
– Unsubscription Rate – this is the opposite
indicator, showing how many people have unsubscribed from the mailing;
– the number of “returns” – e-mails that
did not reach the addressee at all. Their large number indicates the weakness
of the database, and hence the need for more effective acquisition of real
– increase in the list of subscribers to the
newsletter – if it is dynamic, it means that the actions taken in the context
of obtaining leads are carried out correctly.
These are, of course, just examples of KPIs that matter. It should be remembered that other indicators will be important for campaigns carried out with the use of different tools. For example, in mobiles campaigns, the number of users of the application created, traffic on the company’s mobiles website or the frequency of visits via a smartphones will be important.
Setting key KPIs is only the first step towards effective verification of the effectiveness of your marketing activities. In the next section, it is necessary to indicate the tools that will be used to collect and analyze this information. You will receive many of them from the system you use – the data is provided by, for example, Google Analytics or the Facebok advertising system. Specialized software is required to receive in-depth information.
It should also be remembered that the data obtained from KPIs must be processed, developed and analyzed – so that it is possible to take specific actions on their basis. It is best to entrust this task to specialists.
]]>– Google
Ads – immediate and clearly visible effect, but
displayed only during the promotional campaign,
– SEO – an effect that you have to wait for, but the obtained results
are longer than the duration of a standard Google Ads promotional campaign.
In the long run, it is the cheapest method of acquiring
customers from the search engine.
Yes and no., a group of SEO experts providing data from the Google world, analyzed search engine traffic on the basis of 23 most important industries and over 250,000 key phrases. The results of the analysis are presented in a simple table. However, although the report deals with specific numbers, it all depends on individual calculations and many variables.
No surprises, the main principle of SEO, mentioned above, has been confirmed: you have to wait for traffic from the search engine! In order for the product to be visible, it must be worked on.
Fun fact: The main problem of SEO agencies is explaining to customers who expect organic results that SEO is a process, not an immediate action.
Various analyzes can be found on the web, depending on the industry, website, selected keywords, competition, etc. And why is this happening? Imagine you are offering a “Miami Car Service” service. What if you still offer the same service in New York. Will the customer entering the phrase “car service + given town” see your website in the same position in the search engine? No.
On the basis of numerous campaigns carried out by, we
join the claim that in order to position the keyword we need a minimum of:
2-3 months for less popular phrases,
4-8 months for moderately popular phrases,
over 9 months for very popular phrases.
The shortest time for the effects, i.e. entering the TOP10, is in the Business and Law and Politics categories – just over 2 months, and the longest in the Style & Fashion category – it takes over 5 months for the result to appear in the top 10. The average for all categories is 105 days.
It is also worth paying attention to the Career or Hobby category. Both, despite the fact that you had to wait over 4 months for the effects, the positions obtained remain in the TOP10 for about 2.5 years!
Important: Our results show us arithmetic means for given categories, which were calculated on the basis of several thousand keywords. If we look at the deviation column, we will see that in all categories, positioned sites wait much longer or much shorter for effects than the third column shows.
Let’s also look at the Sports category. The average transition from TOP50 to TOP10 of search results takes a minimum time of about 3 months, however, the high value of the standard deviation – 566 days indicates that these differences between individual phrases may differ radically from each other.
The waiting time for the effects of positioning may be shortened or extended by several factors which, depending on the category of the website being positioned, are more or less important. How long seo lasts consists of, among others:
– the number and position of competition,
– industry in which the company
– modernity of the website – in
terms of technical and content optimization,
– having good-quality content,
– changes in the Google algorithm,
– knowledge and experience of SEO
– budget,
– speed of introducing optimization
The basic activity that must be performed before positioning an existing website is an SEO audit. On its basis, detected errors can be eliminated and the indicated shortcomings can be filled.
What is important for a properly conducted phrase positioning process:
– qualified and experienced positioners, constantly improving their
qualifications and being up to date with introduced changes in algorithms,
– technical optimization of the
– the quality of the content and
its uniqueness,
– elimination of indexing errors,
– adapting the website code to the
requirements of search engines,
– internal linking,
– proper selection of keywords,
– valuable links coming from
external websites,
– getting to know the target market
and direct competition,
– an appropriate budget for the
implementation of SEO activities,
– patience.
Even a hundred years ago, there were many white spots on the maps of the world. Territories of which only stories circulated – and always second-hand – tempted and enticed. Riches surrounded by nimbus, filled with dangerous “savages” and adventures. Everyone dreamed about getting it – ranging from the mythical Marco Polo to Joseph Conrad, who floated up the Congo River, who later explained to us in the Heart of Darkness the pernicious influence of the original on the human psyche.
It is our nature to develop new areas. New always means progress. And who dares first, has the chance to gain fame, wealth or recognition.
Influencer marketing is still unknown in the area of advertising. Everyone has heard of fabulous collaboration between the brand and celebrity. How much income they bring to the latter, and how everyone over the age of perfumer wants to record movies, shoot focuses and make money from it.
Relax. The purpose of this text is to fill in white spots related to influencer marketing. When it makes sense, how does the brand carry it, what does model cooperation look like, how much does it cost and how to measure it?
The essence of influencer marketing is to use the influence of popular network users (influencers) on decisions made by other people. Repeatedly conducted research clearly shows that the recommendation and information received from the influencer are one of the most important sources of shopping impulse.
Influencers are people running blogs and vlogs, accounts on Instagram or other similar platforms – channels that are distinguished by high viewership. They are usually experts in a given field, sharing knowledge about specific products etc. Although they have a lot in common with the so-called brand ambassadors belong to the group of opinion leaders.
What distinguishes influencers from other network users – apart from the range, of course – is the relatively high trust of recipients. This is due to a simple fact: Internet users treat them as equals. At the same time, they are considered as completely objective persons whose purpose is to present the actual characteristics of a given product, and not to maximize their own profits.
It is worth emphasizing that influencers are not only celebrities. They are also “ordinary” people who – thanks to valuable content posted regularly – managed to build a large audience.
Influencer marketing is very popular – especially due to the results obtained. According to the Influencer Marketing Hub study, as many as 84% of marketers believe that influencer marketing activities are effective. However, for people who are just entering this advertising channel, many topics may be unclear.
The ability to precisely reach the target group
The effectiveness of marketing
activities largely depends on reaching the right group of users. Influencers make it easier because their blogs or vlogs are watched by
people interested in a specific topic in which your brand can at least
indirectly target.
If the target group is women expecting a child or those who have recently welcomed a child in the world, it is easy to find them on a channel dedicated to parenting topics. If you want to reach photography enthusiasts, work with a photographic expert or someone who has created a fascinated community around your photos.
These are examples that arise in the first place and are effective strictly in terms of sales, but of course, cooperation can be much more sophisticated and focused on resonance in perception. I will use my favorite example – cooperation of a well-known car brand with a well-known novel author.
On the Internet, our writer can be successfully called an influencer. For many it is a navigational fear, it is read, heard and discussed. With his novels he opens new threads or even wounds. Still, it offers moderate views, but are strongly expressed. On his social media accounts he often expresses his fascination with motoring – mainly what emotions are behind driving a car. Is a representative of the intelligence and one of the new wave of writers. In a word – it is cultural, and at the same time it is “some”, and in the group of its fans there are (I shoot) 30-50 year olds from larger cities, with higher incomes than average.
And all this is neatly combined with a well-known car brand, automatically earning everything that our writer has built up over the years with his narrative among a group that partly overlaps with the brand’s target. This cooperation was mainly communicated on the Internet and there was a lot of controversy like “but how? writer and advertisement? he sold himself! ” To be honest, I would not be surprised if it turns out that these controversies were also generated by the known car brand, because thanks to this cooperation not only the fans of the brand and the author learned, but also the whole world. Well, we will probably never find out.
Potentially attractive cost of cooperation
Influencer marketing often turns out to be much
cheaper than other reach forms of brand promotion. One
specific amount cannot be indicated here, because everything is an individual
matter. However, several factors determining the price
can be mentioned. These include range,
cooperation channel, scope of activities, industry. The
influencer’s recognition is not without significance.
Usually, the settlement takes the form of a specific rate. Sometimes, however, influencers operate on the basis of affiliate programs or barter exchange. It all depends on the company’s internal policy and the influencer itself.
Greater punching force
The spread of the Internet has led
to significant changes on the brand-consumer line. While
many years ago all advertising messages were one-sided, a lot has changed in
this respect. People want to know who is behind a given
message, they want to interact, etc. Therefore, influencer marketing has much
more clout and impact than traditional marketing messages. What’s
more, product or service recommendations are often not associated by paying
viewers as paid, but mere recommendations. Of course,
customer awareness is getting better and they are becoming more and more
sensitive to unnatural movements by influencers.
Influencer marketing and SEO
Influencer marketing is also worth considering
because of the impact on SEO.
Cooperation with influencers not only has a positive impact on
the brand image and contributes to the promotion of products. A good strategy allows you to get much better positions in search results.
Cooperation with influencers gives you the opportunity to get good quality links leading to e.g. an online store. They come out of blogs or other external websites that enjoy a high reputation and popularity among Internet users. influencer marketing – by the way, can support the positioning of your website or store.
Access to unique content
Influencers create high-quality content
in which they present a specific product or brand. These
actions are welcome from Google’s point of view, therefore access to unique
texts may increase the position in search results and the reputation of the
website itself.
The possibility of increasing website traffic
There are quite a lot of opinions
about whether website traffic is one of the ranking elements. Either way, the influencer helps in getting traffic by recommending
specific products and posting links to the site. Those
interested will click and go to the brand page, etc.
Influensers reach their recipients
through various channels. Before starting cooperation, it
is worth checking in which advertising environments they operate. Influencers have already learned that, of course – they can be known
from one advertising channel, but they cannot afford to stay in that one
channel only. Therefore, it is worth establishing
cooperation with people who act in many ways.
Influencers care about the quality
of their content and other formats, taking active part in discussions, respond
to comments and are able to defend the brand skillfully in case of crises.
It is worth remembering, however, that the above-mentioned advantages apply to model campaigns with experienced and quality-tested influencers. Each such type of cooperation requires in-depth attention and verification from various angles. The advantages of a given cooperation also depend on our goals, indicators or product matching. The methodology for selecting the appropriate influencers is explained in the relevant chapter.
No control over the influencer’s image
A problem that has more than once
manifested itself with all its might. By linking a brand
to a person, you have very limited influence on how you manage your next days,
weeks or months of life. Unfortunately, influencers are
also people – they have their weaknesses and passions, and sometimes they make
mistakes that affect not only their image, but also the image of their business
partners. The easiest way to illustrate this is with
specific examples.
The latest – and at the same time the most spectacular example – is a celebrity. By creating her own brand, she wanted to associate it with her popularity. The brand was supposed to sew and offer high quality products.
Unfortunately, some fans and customers noticed that the shirts probably came from China and came out of the production line of the company that offers the same shirts (without prints), for a few or several dollars. Never mind the price, but the brand and the celebrity provided information misleading consumers.
Unfortunately – despite the vast experience in communicating with their fans – there was also no sign in managing this crisis. As reported by virtual media:
After disclosing this information, the website removed the information that the clothes were sewn on their own. The celebrity has blocked fans from commenting on all their Instagram accounts. The internet is full of comments criticizing the blogger. Disgruntled fans wrote that they felt cheated because the influencer was building the brand from the beginning on independent sewing and premium quality (clothes prices were also translated).
This example shows how brand dependence on influencer and influencer marketing itself can actually bury it. In addition, it is also worth noting that social media love charismatic personalities – in some sense borderline. The pressure to still be “some” means that even the most experienced influencer can simply swim.
In the case of small influencers, the costs of
cooperation are usually time spent and shipping products or small fees.
However, cooperation with the largest influencers means considerable costs. This is not just because the influencer’s “gage” is large. Such cooperation only makes sense when it is long-term. If we already pay 100 or even 300 thousand dollars for a given cooperation, then it would be a shame not to consume the image in as many ways as possible. Thus, we also need to invest in a sensible photo session in a stylish antholog with a view, for example, on Facebook banners or in display or outdoor advertising. You should also record a few or a dozen or so video materials with a view to advertising on Youtube or Facebook, or even television (which powerfully pushes up costs). Therefore, if a given brand decides to enter into a long-term contract with a given influencer, then usually the said fee can constitute only between ⅓ and ⅕ the actual costs of preparing such a campaign. Remember that this is not only a financial investment, but also absorbing human resources within a given company. Your employees’ time also costs, as does pushing other projects to the side track.
That is why – as a rule – the largest combine with the largest. First, they want to strengthen their “brandies” with strong names that somehow correlate with the image they are building. Secondly, they can simply afford it capital. Thirdly – unfortunately – GREAT companies very rarely have everything counted from A to Z – as a result, they allow themselves to wide and reachable cooperation, which is not necessarily well targeted, but at the same time build universal recognition. Something for something.
Measurability is a relatively big problem in influencer marketing. And not because it is impossible to implement, but because many times influencer marketing specialists lack skills in analytical tools. This is a very underrated area among marketing professionals. They often leave analytics in the area of e-commerce and performance campaigns. Thus, they have a big problem showing the effectiveness of their actions.
That is why it is so important to understand at least the basic functions in Google Analytics that will prove or negate the effectiveness of some advertising channels. Tracking traffic inside your site will also help you find places where, for example, a surprisingly large outflow of users occurs. In general, even basic analytics can significantly improve not only our marketing messages, but also typically UX issues.
Regardless of whether the cooperation takes place on a blog, Instagram, Facebook, ticker course or anywhere else – make sure that once the given creator links to e.g. a product card, he uses the link you have defined. You can extend it with the name of a given campaign and a specific source. The best tool to do this for free is Campaign URL Builder from a good Google uncle.
By using this tool you will be sure that by analyzing a given campaign in Google Analytics you will not escape any user from a given link.
However, there are places with limited linking options. Then a certain analytical method is to add to the movie e.g. a rebate code, which will be communicated only on this channel. This is not a perfect method and many times marketers do not want to create a dozen or several dozen discount codes for one campaign. Nevertheless, better than nothing.
Why measure at all?
John, known in the book industry
under the nickname “cardboard”, is designed to boost sales of the new
book. His greatest friend Tom once had a spectacular
success selling 100 instances of the steam cleaner on Instagram. The said Tom suggested John this path and he was already beginning to
rub his hands.
He sent 20 books to industry instagram accounts and blogs and then waited for results. After two weeks, he recorded a total of 200 book purchases. Because he did not carry out other advertising activities, he decided that this happened thanks to Tom’s divine intervention and advertising on Insta. Sounds logical.
But John was not tempted to give his creators a dedicated link and he doesn’t know what analytics is.
Meanwhile, in the headquarters of the publishing house that published the book, a newsletter was sent in the same period, which went to those interested in news. In the case of this book, it was linked to John’s store, of which he was completely unaware.
What’s more, the publishing house took care of the analytics of its mailing and knows that over 700 people found their way to John’s store, only from this link.
At the next opportunity, John will be convinced that this time it would be good to send books to the same influencers and after the fact he would wonder … why this time it did not work out. It didn’t work out, because it didn’t work out the first time, which it just doesn’t know about.
A few years ago, several agencies – aggregates – were created to group influencers under their wings. Some of them were founded by the creators themselves, who wanted to professionalize relations between the brand and creator on the one hand, and partly monopolize access to some reach accounts on the other, which would dictate rates.
Like everything, cooperation with an influencer agency has pros and cons. The organization of work is definitely a plus. You complete the brief, set goals, industry and budget. In return, you can get an estimate of the ranges, creators proposed for cooperation and even a strategy of action with the preferred message that correlates with the given message.
Agencies of this type have taught the brand that it is worth leaving creators a lot of freedom in their actions. They are the ones who know their community best and know what will resonate well among their fans. The problem of influencer marketing for a long time was the instrumental treatment of creators by brandy. They were given a rigid framework of cooperation to blend in with corporate standards. It was a mistake which, fortunately, is not often repeated nowadays.
However, the downside of the agency is that of course you have to pay extra for these services. Commissions depend on the budget and, of course, the higher the amounts, the smaller their percentage share. It is also often the case that, apart from a given agency, you cannot collaborate with a given creator. However, if you have a choice – which option should you choose?
It all depends on the goals – the wider the campaign, the more justified the decision to lead it through an agency that coordinates all emissions, messages and selects the right people for your project. Then your function will be reduced to the role of coordinator. It’s convenient, but also more expensive.
However, if you want to run a “more intimate” action – in terms of coverage or budget – then choose a more economical version, in which you leave everything – from signing the contracts to setting publication dates and their subsequent verification.
Terms of Cooperation
A separate category is what terms
of cooperation both parties to a given agreement can agree to. The last thing you can afford is any understatements and areas for
interpretation under a given contract.
When it comes to settling accounts with influencers, we usually come across
two forms:
A. Barter – in
exchange for sending products or using services, a given creator shares his
opinion / review on a given topic. This is of course a favorable form of
settlement for the brand from a financial point of view. Such accounts are
usually interested in smaller influencers or medium-sized ones operating on
topics priced by advertisers below. Repeatedly, cooperation for barter means
less control over the message, form and content because it is not bound by a
contract. This, of course, has its pros and cons. Such cooperation takes place
much faster and is freer because you do not have to consult it with lawyers,
wait for contract signatures by the boss, etc. The creator usually also has
much greater freedom in expressing the view on a given product or service,
which may be good, but sometimes problematic.
B. Salary
– the other often accepted form of settlement (no surprise there) is regular
financial compensation for reviewing or reviewing a given product or service.
This form is usually tightened by contractual provisions.
Of course, it also happens that in the case of cooperation we are dealing with a mix of both of the above – i.e. barter / financial cooperation. Influencer marketing is quite flexible in this context.
What is worth remembering in the contract from a brand perspective?
– If the creator also prepares the
material for use in YOUR advertising channels, then list all possible fields of
exploitation. Do not leave room for interpretation, but
name them all separately.
– Include in the contract the
schedule and individual cut-off dates for the next stages of the campaign.
– Specify the amounts.
– Specify exactly what the creator
undertakes to do in a given collaboration.
– You can specify in the contract
even a specific link to appear in the posts or materials related to the
campaign. However, remember that such technical things
can easily be set outside the contract.
What is worth remembering in the contract from the perspective of the
– Specify whether the brand can freely manipulate
the given movie or any other format you are preparing (this is about using
quotes, cutting scenes from movies, etc.).
– The issue of using materials
created by the creator in brand advertising materials.
– Specify exactly what the brand
undertakes under the cooperation (e.g. delivery of the product, accompanying
materials, descriptions, etc.).
– Brand consent to add cooperation
It’s time to finish this extensive entry. I hope that you have clarified the issues related to influencer marketing a bit and set out with this knowledge to hunt your first creators. If you have any questions, feel free to write and give me a maximum of 48 hours to respond.
]]>A website is a source of knowledge about our business. Its task is to inform about services or products, communicate transaction rules and provide contact details to the company. Just a few years ago, all goals would be met by a simple website consisting of several tabs. Today, however, the requirements associated with it are much higher – you should take into account trends in the industry and the network, and if you want to reach as many customers as possible – also the requirements of search engines.
How much it costs to make a website depends largely on its expected size and the technologies used. So let’s start by answering a few questions:
A. Size of the website – if you are
planning a website for a small, very local business, all you have to do is
build a simple website that will provide basic information for your customers –
it will tell you about the business, who is behind it and where and at what
times you can use the services. What does “simple
site” mean?
These are several tabs – subpages.
These types of sites are intended for a small number of recipients. By placing the object on the map and adjusting the search to the locations of its user – those interested will easily find a website and gain access to the necessary information.
The site can be based on pure HTML and CSS, without a content management system. However, if you plan to frequently add entries to the news section and be able to change your course offer, for example, it is worth meeting people who are unfamiliar with the code and invest in one of the popular CMS. The simplest solution here is WordPress – popular, intuitive, with the ability to create users with different levels of access to the administration panel. The installation of CMS is, however, associated with higher costs and in the extended time of completion of the website design.
For this type of page, however, you can use alternative solutions – page builders. Google also provides this type of solution. Sites created using these solutions are usually cheap (costs are the subscription of the selected tool and the price of domain maintenance and hosting) and can be done on your own. Website builders have their limitations and creating large websites that have ambitions to storm the first positions in search results may not be very effective.
Websites that are to contain more tabs – e.g. the offer category is to be developed for various types of services, and the site will allow customers to contact the company directly or book visits – it is worth building based on CMS. More subpages require agile administration, and this will definitely be facilitated by the installation of a content management system.
B. Technology – the bigger side is usually the need for more individual solutions. The simplest and cheapest solution is to put a static page, using HTML, CSS and simple JavaScript. How much does it cost to make a simple website? An efficient developer will code and – colloquially speaking – will “put” this type of website within a few days. The cost should also be increased by the work of the graphic designer responsible for creating the website layout and time related to making corrections to the project.
More complicated pages, extended with functionalities allowing for greater interaction with the page – e.g. using forms, creating accounts and logging in, require more advanced solutions. In these cases, the page is most often based on one of the CMS. Again, the most popular solution for medium-sized sites is WordPress, which thanks to the plug-in system can extend a regular website with almost any functionality.
The advantage of popular CMS are easily available documentation and forums, where you can find solutions for virtually any problem. Their definite downside – susceptibility to burglary. Lack of the current version of the system, unchecked plugins and add-ons may be the reason for slamming or hijacking. Therefore, if you choose this type of solution, their additional cost may be updating the version (which does not always go smoothly), and in the worst case … removing the effects of hacking.
Online stores also have a separate price list. Here, several solutions are involved – installing the engine on a server or using software in the Saas model.
Placing the store on your own server is associated with the need to take care not only of its appearance, but above all about security. It is not only about meeting security requirements, but also about the stability of servers, the security of your data and customers and the elimination of errors related to installed extensions. This solution, however, allows full access to the code of the website and full modification in accordance with your own vision.
The online store can also be opened using the offers of companies operating in the SaaS model – Software as a service. By choosing this solution, we sub-rent a cloud fragment and store software in exchange for a monthly fee. There are many companies operating in this system on the market. Each of the brands offers several subscription versions. Its amount depends on, among others on the number of accounts in the administrative panel, integration with other sales channels and wholesalers, the number of products and so on.
The costs associated with placing the store at the start may be smaller – the smallest subscription is around $ 10 / month. This, of course, brings limitations, e.g. the inability to match the appearance of the store’s vision or pasting the codes necessary to run a Google Ads campaign. Fees must be paid monthly, which can be quite painful for the entrepreneur in the event of a worse period.
As mentioned above, making a website takes a few hours of work and graphics.
The list of points in the cost estimate will look like this:
– domain cost,
– hosting cost,
– the cost of creating the page
layout (graphics time),
– cost of coding the website (web
developer time).
The total should be close to about $ 200-300.
These costs can be reduced by using, for example, one of the programs that allows you to create a page yourself. In this case, the main effort will be our time – necessary to choose the program, familiarize yourself with it and build a working website. The cost of domain and hosting will remain the same, you should also add a subscription to them resulting from the use of the wizard – the cheapest start from around $ 5 / month. Note – the use of wizards has its limitations – e.g. a smaller subscription requires you to agree to display ads on our site.
The small site is ideal for businesses that do not have the ambition to dominate search results.
A website, which is to be a tool for acquiring new customers, should meet a whole range of requirements – it should be fast, mobiles and accessible to recipients.
Building this type of site will be more complicated – the number of bookmarks increases and additional functions need to be added. Points that should be included in the cost estimate of such a project are similar to those of a small site, but their height will increase significantly. Depending on the planned functions and the expected traffic on the site, it may be necessary to choose a more expensive option or a dedicated server.
The cost of creating a medium-sized business website also has a CMS chosen. Installing it usually increases the price by around $ 150-300. Added to this are the costs of some solutions that need to be installed into the basic system.
CMS support requires familiarity with its limitations and capabilities. Unless it is planned to employ a separate employee to operate the website, it is worth considering the issue and, for example, adding a point related to the system training in the website contract. It is worth keeping this in mind – simple corrections that you can do yourself in a few minutes, the company will cost you a lot. Self-service of the system also saves time – delegating tasks in this case can postpone their execution for several days.
Note – submission of the page by the web developer is not synonymous with its full preparation for active activities on the Internet. If you start positioning or Google Ads, you may need to make corrections. This does not mean, however, that the “site was bad”, but only not fully adapted to Google’s guidelines. Optimization, however, may involve the need for additional changes, especially if the site is managed by a proprietary CMS system that does not have full documentation on the Internet.
One of the more complex types of websites are certainly online stores. This translates directly into how much it costs to make them. What should be considered?
In addition to basic costs – domain and hosting, there is the cost of the engine. As I mentioned above – its issue can be solved in two ways – by installing open source options or choosing a SaaS solution.
Store prices start at around $ 2-3 thousand and increase depending on the solutions and integration used.
At first glance, it may seem that how much it costs to make a website and store on open source engines is incomparably greater than using the store options in the SaaS model. Subscription allows us to set up a fully functional store, but depending on the height limits the possibility of customizing its appearance and optimization. These types of solutions will not work for large e-commers trading thousands of products. This solution will be appreciated by small companies that do not have financial expenses to build their own sales platform.
The biggest drawback of this type of solutions is the inability to modify the code and make changes, including those that would be required during optimization for running an advertising campaign. Of course, many of them have the option of more advanced customization, but this is an additional cost that the company must take on. Many suppliers of ready stores emphasize the possibility of giving websites a unique look, unfortunately, most projects – especially in lower subscription plans – do not differ much.
SaaS also has its advantages – the responsibility for maintaining the continuity of the correct operation of the site and ensuring data and transaction security, falls on the service provider. In the case of multi-person activities, the delegation of these tasks allows you to focus on creating the product and running the brand.
The cost of placing a store in a SaaS model starts at around $ 15 / month. Prices for more advanced packages start from around $ 70.
]]>In an ideal world, we would always know where our potential client is currently. This knowledge would allow us to reach him with a message that step by step would build confidence in our brand and product, and then subtly lead to conversion.
All of our marketing, sales and after-sales activities would be easily tracked and improved, creating perfect customer service.
In an ideal world, we would only use one channel to interact with the client. Unfortunately, ideal situations rarely apply to companies.
To keep your sales at the highest level, you need to go with the times, constantly develop your marketing skills and supplement your knowledge with the latest solutions. Because if you still sell only in one channel, you lose a large portion of the target audience that your competition is successfully taking over. In fact, focusing on one channel can even degrade customer service and prevent you from successfully acquiring new ones. Why? About this in a moment. Let’s explain why multi-channel marketing is so important in the 21st century.
Today’s consumer uses 2.8 channels on average before deciding to buy a given product or service.
Over the past decade, customer service and how to acquire it have changed significantly. Observing today’s technological progress, it is difficult to imagine that brands not so long ago used only three marketing channels. These were: telephones, post office and stationary store.
Since the internet appeared, companies have expanded and some have even completely transferred their activities to the online world. Websites, applications, e-mails and marketing campaigns have created virtually unlimited possibilities of communication with potential clients. However, along with the development of new technologies, competition has also increased.
To get a customer, we must be where he is currently with what he currently needs. And if we want to engage and maintain it, the above alone will not be enough.
So we already know that a modern consumer, before making a purchase, passes through 2.8 channels on average, integrating with a given brand. It is also obvious that during the day it uses many different devices.
The digital consumer seems wise today and is prudent in their purchasing decisions. We use opinions on Facebook, in Google My Business, and view applications of a given brand. He created a world between many channels in which he controls the vast majority of the sales process.
So if you want to win this smart game you must be one step ahead of it. The way to do this, of course, is a well-thought-out marketing strategy – necessarily multi-channel.
In order to successfully engage a potential customer, we should communicate with him using several channels at the same time. According to this assumption, three different strategies have evolved: cross channel marketing, omnichannel marketing and multi channel marketing.
Many have trouble distinguishing them. No wonder, because they differ slightly. However, to make good use of their potential, you should know the subtle differences between them.
Multi-channel marketing was available first and continues to function today. It allows the customer to interact with the brand through multiple channels. It can be a telephones, computer, stationary store. Customers have already learned that they can access brands 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on various platforms. So it is an absolute must have for an online entrepreneur if he does not want to “go out of circulation”.
Cross channel marketing is very similar to its predecessor. The difference between them, however, is that in the latter, different brand communication channels with the client are connected with each other. In practice, this means that they register and pass on information about the customer, which greatly facilitates the purchase and, as a result, shortens the customer’s shopping path. In particular, women know perfectly well how wonderful it is to get a 20% discount on buying shoes of your favorite brand and be able to use it both online and offline – in a stationary store, via a desktop computer or cell phones.
An example of the use of cross-channel marketing by brands is, for example, an e-mail survey after shopping in a store asking for shopping experience.
In practice, it may look like this:
When you finish shopping in an online store, you will see a pop-up asking you to complete a short survey. The survey contains 5 questions about your shopping experience. You complete it, which in turn entitles you to a 20% discount on re-purchases. You can redeem the discount both online and offline (in any stationary store of the same brand).
Each store representative will be able to scan the coupon, but the customer will also be able to enter the coupon code also at the online cash register and receive the same coupon in this channel.
In this example, the channels will communicate with each other by first creating an online survey based on personal experience and then checking the validity of the coupon.
Once the coupon is used online, it can no longer be used in the store and vice versa.
Omni-channel marketing is the most advanced type of multi-channel marketing. It uses channels that work together seamlessly, providing clients with comprehensive service at the highest level.
The goal of this type of marketing is to “break the barrier” between the online and offline world.
A good example of using omnichannel marketing is the use of applications that help potential customers make a purchasing decision.
The Shiseido brand allows, for example, the use of “Shiseido Makeup Mirror”. The consumer’s face is placed in a virtual mirror, and he has the opportunity to see how it looks in a given make-up. For women, this is a great help. Each of us will certainly admit that there is nothing worse than an incorrectly chosen foundation or blush that does not harmonize perfectly with our skin tone.
The application also allows you to take a photo to allow you to quietly make a purchasing decision from the comfort of your home. For people who do not like to make purchasing decisions spontaneously, it is extremely helpful. Otherwise, they might never have decided to buy.
Professionals in the field of sales psychology say that the process of making a purchasing decision begins long before the purchase and has its consequences long after. This brand is aware of this and, what’s more, it perfectly uses this knowledge.
Shiseido allows consumers to virtually “try on makeup” to help them make the best buying decision. This method also increases your chances of getting better opinions about your products. So you admit that it’s a well-planned marketing strategy.
Cross-channel marketing involves combining different marketing channels in a way that creates a logical transition for the target audience from one stage to another. Different channels work together to ensure consistent communication with the consumer.
However, it is important not to confuse it with omnichannel marketing, which also uses several marketing channels to interact with the client, but this does not necessarily mean consistency between them.
In cross channel marketing, you can send your customers an email about the promotion of their favorite product, display targeted ads on social media to improve brand recognition, and publish blog posts on topics related to key phrases. All this together is an effective method of building trust and leads to maximizing conversions.
Let’s say you run a company that sells hair thickening shampoo. The shampoo is patented and very effective. Therefore, your target group will be people with the problem of hair loss.
A potential customer will read the blog post you wrote about the causes of hair loss. The email he then receives will provide testimonials from someone who has overcome the same problem with your product. When your dream client looks into social media the same evening, he sees an ad with a catchy headline about how your products or services completely remove the problem he was reading about.
Such marketing activities give consumers a clear sense of consistency with the brand, while also building trust in it. Their shopping path becomes as smooth and direct as possible. Because there is a clear link between each part of your marketing experience, it’s easier to verify and optimize your marketing efforts, which can help you achieve the right ROI from your campaign.
In omnichannel marketing, individual channels are treated as independent entities. As a result, your marketing activities remain essentially independent, making it difficult to link a specific effort to achieving a high ROI.
Marketing has evolved considerably over the years and created new opportunities. However, in order to meet market expectations, you need to be an diligent student and constantly supplement your knowledge with new directions in the field of digital marketing.
Regardless of whether you use multichannel marketing, cross channel marketing or omnichannel marketing, the most important thing is that you put the quality of customer service first. Making the purchase process as easy and intuitive as possible is the key to catapulting your marketing to become the leader of the 21st century.
]]>In a global and increasingly complex world, information has become a valuable resource, and some experts consider it to be another factor in production. There is no doubt that building the company’s position based on valuable information is necessary for the holistic recognition of macro-environment. Many determinants of success are hidden, especially at the very beginning. With the increase of experience and competence, acquired knowledge and skills allow economic entities to reach further milestones. That is why we have marketing guides for you that cover specific areas in the subject!
The following list contains marketing guides for e.g. positioning of company websites and targeting. This is an area of marketing that has an increasingly greater impact on the current financial results of enterprises both in the micro and SME sector, as well as for larger organizational units. Knowledge of SEO issues and efficient use of effective internet advertising tools allow reaching recipients who would be difficult to be interested in the offer in the analog world. Here’s a portion of the necessary knowledge available at your fingertips:
During the first meeting with the client, a positive or negative image of the company is created. This also applies to virtual space. It is therefore worth ensuring a good impression, even when sometimes it is only about one look. An internet user browsing Google Maps or using a search engine is familiarized with brief information about the enterprise. This is the result of using the Google My Business advertising tool.
It is widely known that the internet giant founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin has a huge impact on the fate of a large part of enterprises. The list contains a few words of introduction regarding selected and in our opinion the most important tools from the point of view of company management. You don’t know what Google Ads is yet? Or maybe you want to get new information about Google Trends?
Content is king? Sure! Nothing has changed in this respect for years. It ignites the imagination of your customers. He builds your image. He sells, supports the positioning of your website and builds strong brands. You can learn about how to write, how to structure content, where to draw topics and inspiration, as well as what content is simply the best.
As our cyclical articles have repeatedly proved, focusing on content marketing can bring measurable benefits to a company. As competition grows day by day, it’s worth to stand out with unique content. An excellent method to increase the interest of potential customers is to run a blog. The organic reach gained in this way will boost the website in the search engine ranking.
The guide provides practical information on determining recipients of texts and a brief introduction on different styles of communication with readers. Adapting to the preferences of specific groups allows you to establish a better relationship, which directly translates into gaining customer loyalty. When they receive a reliable source of information, which is also interestingly written, they are much more likely to use the company’s offer. It’s worth trying because Internet users will catch inaccuracies within a few minutes and point them out in the comments. You can always count on it.
In addition, the beginner blogger’s manual has knowledge about the use of key phrases and tools that facilitate their selection. It is worth being up to date with the ranking of the most popular searches to always accurately describe the issues that are currently bothering customers. This is the only way to stay in the turbulent waters of business competition.
Our blog is very popular. Through it, we provide a lot of substantive knowledge and current SEO information. We decided to gather the most important lessons in one place so that everyone could benefit from a compendium of knowledge. Journey through the next issues contained in the blog is both a great adventure and a source of reliable information. What will a thriving manager find there who intends to improve his company’s website statistics?
The lessons are arranged in such a way as to move from general knowledge to more and more specific issues. We devote a lot of space to explaining that page optimization is a multi-step process whose success depends on at least several factors. The blog also includes practical tips on, among others recommended image file size or the importance of page encryption. Even the appearance of a pageview with 404 error can affect! In order not to get ahead of the competition, SEO issues should be known inside out.
As experts in the field of contemporary trends and marketing solutions, we devote additional time not only to sharing knowledge through the written word. We are also eager to visit industry conferences. This was also the case in September 2018, when speakers from appeared at the event “SEM campaigns of the future”.
Martin Grossberg talked exactly about machine learning in Google Ads campaigns. He presented in detail over the forty-minute lecture all the most important aspects of planning, implementation and evalsuation of activities. In turn, Ireneusz Iwański and Marek Walas presented specific strategies for optimizing Google Ads campaigns in the context of automation and machine learning. In their opinion, content optimization based on good quality data allows to obtain positive results. The subject of the speech was to develop the issue of implementing budgetary, efficiency and portfolio strategies. The lecture ended with a discussion of case study, i.e. translating these issues into business practice.
More and more service providers are using the optimization knowledge. This is a large group of entities. No wonder, since in the economies of highly developed countries the share of the service sector is growing all the time. The guide is adapted both for those who are just starting their adventure with optimization and for those who already have some experience. The publication contains basic information about the essence of positioning and adapting the website to Google requirements.
A lot of space was also devoted to content marketing, i.e. content management. Creating on the Internet is slightly different from analog writing. Key phrases and a number of other elements should be taken into account that have an impact on the effectiveness and reach of messages. Everything you should know about SEO in the services sector is on this blog.
A large group of our customers are online stores. Regardless of the industry they represent, each activity must be tailored to the requirements of e-commerce. The problem of online commerce is the so-called abandoned baskets, i.e. initiated transactions that ultimately fail. Appropriate SEO activities together with marketing automation tools allow to reduce negative phenomena, and thus – to contribute to successive revenue growth.
The publication contains reliable information on issues such as positioning, optimization of meta tags, adding customer reviews or encrypting the sales platform. In addition, the blog describes the rules for adapting the original appearance to the specific settings of mobiles devices.
Everyone who intends to stand out in the market should read at least some tips on running a Google AdWords campaign. We guide readers through this fascinating but trapped world. To avoid mistakes, use our hints. In this way, the planning process smoothly goes into the implementation phase, and when the time comes for summaries and evalsuations – you can open champagne for the joy of increased revenues.
The following pages contain information on determining the purpose of the campaign and its budgeting, the selection of keywords and the thematic scope of content. The following sections provide guidelines on scheduling and measuring conversions. The practical blog was prepared by a Paraphrase-Online specialist who has many years of experience, so the publication is certainly a source of reliable and current knowledge.
There is also a position in the library of the Paraphrase-Online Knowledge Academy that allows you to learn the rules of acquiring customers on the LinkedIn platform. There are many possibilities, but one thing is beyond doubt – business without a presence in this social medium is much poorer. Content management is not limited to creating a company profile. The blog tells you when to apply for paid solutions, and when you can limit yourself to free options.
Almost from the beginning of its presence on the Internet, YouTube was doomed to success. Today it is the largest video platform that brings a lot not only to Google, but also to individual users. Thriving companies like to focus on video content marketing. And rightly so, because it brings a lot of benefits. What? You can read about it in our vademecum.
Marketing guides are not everything! An extremely popular solution proposed by Paraphrase-Online is the possibility of using two tools that allow you to have all the numbers related to website optimization under control. The first is a website audit that allows you to check your website in just 20 seconds for optimization and the requirements of different types of devices.
The second suggestion straight from Paraphrase-Online is the Google Ads audit. This time, after 40 seconds you can get information on the evalsuation of the campaign being implemented. Regardless of whether the result is positive or negative – it is worth contacting us and our experts will choose the right solution. After all, the competition is not sleeping and the world is rushing ahead, so you always have to keep your finger on the pulse of marketing.