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How to present products in an online store to increase sales results?

The fear of buying online is long gone and consumers no longer have a problem acquiring clothes, books, electronics or cosmetics online. How to find yourself in this competitive market and present your products to boost your sales results?

How to present a product in an online store?

Internet users like shopping online because they can make their consumer decisions at home. Nobody asks them “how can I help you?”, Nor do they have to prepare or dress before going shopping. Online stores are available 24 hours a day throughout the year, so even late at night or during public holidays you can opt for even the most extravagant items available on the internet. If you run your business in the e-commerce industry, you are probably aware of the importance of properly presenting products on your website and continuous use of quality marketing strategies. It is worth organizing this knowledge to sell more effectively online and record new profit records.

Optimizing your site for SEO is a must

You can have revolutionary product descriptions on your website and a content management system compared with the seventh wonder of the world, and the competition will still eat the whole cake if you do not adapt your texts to SEO principles that allow for better positioning in google. Category and product descriptions optimized for SEO is the first step to enter search modes and be a viable option for customers interested in a given type of product. Key phrases, relevant headers, a link system should also be used in the blog section, where it is worth regularly placing articles from your industry that will interest and engage the recipients. Content marketing is based on these types of texts, in which compliance with SEO goes hand in hand with interesting content that lays the foundations for establishing a longer relationship with the client.

Unique and engaging content

However, just saturating texts with keywords is not enough. It used to be easy to outsmart google algorithms to create schematic content, or so-called “pretzels,” but now technology has moved ahead and simple excuses do nothing. The basic sin for which the machines of the largest search engine in the world severely punishes is “duplicate content“, which is copied content that appears in many places on the Internet. You should not download product descriptions from the manufacturer’s website, at best be inspired by them.

Pasting the same content to different bookmarks and subpages is just as bad for your site’s ranking. Unique content is the basis and it is worth using the services of professional agencies, whose daily bread is to provide high-quality texts that meet the principles of SEO, are original, well-written, engaging and compatible with the sales system.

Of course, you can try to color your site on your own, but in this matter it is good to rely on the experience of specialists who quickly produce interesting content. Such material conveys basic knowledge about the product, presents its advantages and is a call to action for the customer who after reading such a description will be more willing to buy.

Unique texts written by content agencies are also appropriately targeted. Experienced copywriters adapt the style to the group of recipients, choosing a loose, direct style in content intended for example for young people, and substantive and professional in texts supporting serious business industries.

Appropriate product photos

In addition to unique content, it is worth taking care of the aesthetic appearance of the page and the intuitive interface that will make your customers feel at home on your website. Pictures of your products are very important – it’s not worth saving in this matter. Each item for sale should be photographed from many sides in professional conditions. For many customers, much more important than reading the description is the ability to view the product from different angles in high resolution to see different construction details. To optimize images according to the search engine requirements, it is worth supplementing the title and alt attributes.

You can’t forget about the reviews and reviews section on your website, where customers will be able to express opinions about your products. Also, the newsletter, an efficient search system inside the page and linking it to accounts on social networks are very effective ideas to tie the recipients to the brand.

It is very important for customers on the product page not to look for a purchase, but to see it immediately – the CTA must be very clearly visible and is usually located on the right side at the height of the product photo, which is on the left.

Social media is power

There is no self-respecting company operating in the e-commerce industry that would also not function on social networks. Sites like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube offer huge opportunities for promotion and the use of innovative advertising forms. One of them is live video marketing, thanks to which you can present your products in real time, thus engaging your fans. This type of marketing is most often used among online stores selling clothes. The construction, furniture and cosmetics industries can successfully opt for video content marketing in the form of guides. Unobtrusive forms of knowledge sharing are highly respected by the recipients. Giving something from each other, you can always count on reciprocity from customers. This is important because you can use this type of video both in social media and on individual product cards. Before the e-commerce industry, fat years, if not decades, but in this very competitive business only those who present their product in the best possible way will survive and earn. A functional and aesthetic website, reliable descriptions in line with SEO principles, well photographed products and efficient operation on social networks are the first step to success in this difficult industry.

Published inConfigurationContent MarketingCopywritingOnline StoreParahrasePositioningSEOWebwriting
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